Tough "LOVE"? Violence and Relationships

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Tough “LOVE”? Violence and Relationships 

by the Group 

 You know how in school, when there’s a scrap, people stand around watching it chanting, “FIGHT! FIGHT!”? Then the teachers roll up and grab the people fighting—and even some of the spectators. And then when authorities are handing out punishments, those spectators will all be saying, “I didn’t do anything!” Exactly. 

Now what if, instead of two guys whaling on each other behind the gym, you have a friend who is abusing his partner and you know about it? Not doing anything about that is even worse. 

The problem is that you may feel it’s not your business. However, it’s your obligation as a friend to do something. If you really are friends with the guy but won’t say anything, who will? You need to get your shit together and tell your friend EVERYTHING that’s on your mind. Here’s some stuff to know going in: 

– Let him know that you’re still his friend, but what he’s doing is wrong and it’s got to stop. 

– Don’t let him get away with excuses. Abuse is never okay. 

– Try to convince him to talk to someone about it. See the Resources section for info on who to call. 

– Don’t get stuck being the middleman between him and his partner. You’re his friend, dammit, not a marriage counselor. 

No matter how it goes down, you should also talk about all this to an adult you trust. This is some serious shit and you’ll want the backup. 

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