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Imogen Birchard

We thought that you guys would benefit hearing this from a woman’s perspective, so here it is! You guys have heard it all before…”one-minute man,” “premature ejaculator,” trigger happy”…all those sort of things. Guys have it in their minds that if they cum fast, they’re a bad lay. Well, ya know what? Some girls like long sex. Some girls don’t.

The thing is, a girl needs to be turned on to enjoy sex, right?

When we’re turned on, we produce a natural lube in our vaginas, but that has to happen BEFORE intercourse, got it? It’s called foreplay. So make sure you give a girl a lot of lovin’ before sex: caress her, make out with her, eat her out, finger her—whatever she likes. I’d much rather have an hour of foreplay and only a few minutes of intercourse than the other way around.

The thing is, if you give only five minutes of foreplay and an hour of sex, a lot of us girls will go dry, intercourse will become painful, and we will just want you to stop.

Now don’t get me wrong here—we don’t want it all over in two seconds or anything. But just don’t think that longevity is what it’s all about. Talk to your girl and figure out what’s most pleasurable FOR YOU BOTH!

The Little Black Book For Guys: Guys Talk About SexHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin