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Patrick Kabongo

Now this is real talk, you intend to do you in the bed right

You ain’t looking left so I hope you damn right

Without warriors you ain’t winning a damn fight

But in darkness defense looks damn bright

So you will shine and prevail in protection

But without protection

You could burn in deception

Humiliated bellow all monster

So when you bet you won’t catch AIDS without a condom

Someone bit him

When you catch HIV, you’ll feel bad for your immune system

Sometimes that’s why you have to slow down feelings

Cuz with AIDS you’ll slowly breakdown and die from

its related illness

So pop a tape of HIV in your VHS

And think before you act in transition of sex

Cuz when you let it burn like Usher

Girls they wouldn’t want to touch you

It ain’t a gay disease

A lot of teenagers and adults could get it

Don’t be ignorant to the fact

That this little light thing can make your life go black

So the whole don’t use protection, fuck it

Cuz with that scar, alcohol won’t help you through it.

This is knowledge poetry and artwork

If you’re gonna have sex take a deep thought first

Me, I’m a virgin so y’all can help me and tell me where

a virgin goes

But that’s not the issue

It’s all about condoms

They work, but not at all costs especially when you

break the tissue

But when the blood wants to kiss you

Bye to all the girls cuz they ain’t gonna miss you

Guys gonna dis you

So condoms on the penises

Is a serious issue

Well that’s all I guess

If you’re in that situation put your brain and hormones

to the test

That would probably be best

Let your brain think and not your dick think

Before he gets hurt all scared with red ink

Knowledge is power

But if you are dirty with the disease don’t worry

about the shower

Cuz your life could go away

Now that you’re living by the hour

Protection is good, use it don’t be foolish.

The Little Black Book For Guys: Guys Talk About SexWhere stories live. Discover now