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SUI: Sex While Under the Influence

Conrad Begari

When I first started wanting to get with girls, I had no idea how to go about it. I would talk to a girl at a party, feel good, and then get really nervous if it seemed to be going in my direction.

I started smoking a joint and/or drinking beer to take off the edge and not be so nervous. It helped, so I started doing it more and more.…

But one day in class, we talked about date rape. I heard about how some guys will be with a girl who wants to be there, but when she wants to stop, he forces her to have sex. I also heard about how guys under the influence of drugs or alcohol are more likely to make those kinds of stupid decisions. I thought about how I relied on being high or stoned to get with a girl, and I began to worry—what if, while under the influence, I couldn’t tell if she was into sex or not? What if I was so out of it when I was with a girl that I couldn’t remember what happened, and she started telling people something bad happened?

Maybe those worries were kind of extreme, but there was plenty of other stuff to worry about. In class, we also heard that when you’re drunk, you might not have the judgment to use a condom. Or if you do, it could end up breaking and you might not notice. Even if none of that happens, if you are really drunk and you have sex, you may really regret who you had sex with.

You might end up with someone you wouldn’t even shake hands with normally.

Anyway, in the end I decided that I had to get used to getting up the nerve to be with a girl without drinking or smoking up so much.

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