The First Move

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The First Move 

Ah, the challenges of making the first move… 

Making the first move on a girl can be very stressful and hard to deal with. You gotta feel within yourself that the time is right, but you gotta be down with whether or not your G is ready too. You may think that it’s time, but if your G decides that she’s not ready, you better relate, not hate. If you ask me, girls can be very sometimes-ish: Sometimes a girl can make you feel like she wants you to make a move, and at other times that same girl can make you feel like shit. Nobody wants rejection, yo, but if you do get a “no,” deal with it—don’t be a dick about it. But if you get a “yes”… oh, man! Sweet success. 

No matter what happens, you’re gonna feel mad nervous around a G, and you won’t know how to make that first move. You don’t have to tell me that it feels mad crazy, yo, but it’s just the way it is. It’s a part of life and we all got to live with it. Bottom line: guys, make sure before you make the first move that you and your G are truly ready. 

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