Sweet as a Honey Moon

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HI!! Sorry for not posting.... but it was Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah y'all!

Well here you go!


Maybe I was nervous when I had my first meeting with the advisors, or when I had to make my first speech in the Report. But I was never more nervous than I am now, with America in my arms towards our honeymoon. Her nose was hidden in my neck, her eyes closed. I ran my fingers through her beautiful red hair as I inhaled her intoxicating scent. 

"Your Highness," the flight assistant said too loud that made America stir. I moved a finger to my lips, and the flight assistant nodded guiltily. "I think we should serve lunch a little later?"

"Yes, please. I want to let her sleep for a while." 

"Would you want me to bring a blanket?"

"That will be great, and could you turn off the lights?"

"Of course, Your Highness." When she brought the blanket I wrapped it around America and rested my head on top of hers. I looked at her mesmerizing beauty as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

A kiss was enough to tell me that my angel had awoken. I grinned as I felt the kiss again on my lips. 

"Maxon," America whispered her lips next to my ear. "Wake up."

I opened my eyes, to find America's, while she brushed my hair with her fingers. Her cheeks were flushed by the long nap, and her hair was wild, just how I liked it. I cupped her cheek in my hand, bringing her lips closer to mine. Once they touched, my heart raced so quick I thought it could race out of my chest. Yesterday night's memories came back into my mind making my cheeks redder. I remembered how we opened to each other at our most intimate ways, how our bodies were covered with kisses from each other, and how we called our names with love and adoration. 

Our kiss deepened, and we had to pull back for air. Our breaths mingled between our lips, as I pulled America's waist closer to me. 

"Your Highnesses," someone called next to us, and America bolted out of my lap to her seat. "Umm, will it be a good time to serve lunch?"

"Oh! Yes!" America beamed as she heard about food. The flight assistance smiled and left. "Next time we have to remember that we are not the only ones in the room."

I chuckled. The food came and we dug in. I smiled as America rolled her eyes, as she bit  into a strawberry tart. With a swift move, I came close and took a bite out of it. America blushed, "Hey!"


"Why would you take my strawberry tart? There are more over here."

"Well, I don't know. This one looked sweeter," I cooed nuzzling my nose with hers. 

"It tickles," America giggled swatting my cheek softly. "Do you want another bite?"

"Yes," I said, but instead of aiming my lips to the tart I aimed them towards her rosy lips. We kissed, and America sighed. My tongue tasted the sweetness of the tart and the natural taste of her lips. There was no sweeter candy in the world, than the taste of my wife. My hands wandered around her waist, slightly brushing her thighs. My lips were now kissing her chin, and it trailed down her neck. I grinned as I heard a small moan come out of my wife's mouth. But once again we were interrupted...

"Your Highness, would you like me to clean the table for you?" the assistant asked. I sighed, and pulled myself out of America's arms. 

"Yes please" 

America seemed disappointed that we got interrupted, so as soon as the assistant left I pulled America into my lap.  America let go of a yelp, but soon I quieted her with my lips. 

"Maxon," she sighed, tangling her fingers in my hair. I hummed in respond, busy kissing her neck. "If you don't quit with your bad behavior, we are going to end up giving the flight assistance a heart attack," she warned.

I chuckled and pulled back. "Then I think we should wait until we get there."

"Yes, we should."

Okay... I know some of you guys read this and were like... What the hell she didn't finish. Well yeah I didn't and accidentally posted it... Sorry

I know many of you guys are looking for a honeymoon chapter but nah. I, myself, read tons of fanfic and all the ideas I have are so cliche. So sorry guys but I won't post a honey moon chapter.

Nevertheless, I am going to post more fun chapters. I have a word doc. with 50 chapters so I am thinking to posting one tomorrow. Also, please forgive me if I spent too much time without writing because I am a busy person.

So Please Review! And some of you guys like when I ask selection questions... so HERE WE GO!

Without using reference (Selection Book, Selection fanfic, Internet, or anything) Please state the eye color, hair color, favorite flavor,job, caste, favorite sport, favorite person, favorite hobbie , and the rank of handsomeness (of 1-10) of our Highness Maxon Schreave (a.k.a my boyfriend)


 eye color: brown (not any brown, chocolate brown because... you know he is MAXON SCHREAVE)

hair color : blond (honey blond, where you can pass your fingers through)

favorite flavor: chocolate (idk... he's just my boyfriend and I know everything about him!)

job: Motherf**kn Prince!!

Caste: Who is number one in my list of "People I want to kiss"? Maxon! MAXOn is number one! And his caste is number one! (Hehe)

Favorite Sport: everything, he has abs... you know. 

Favorite person: ME! (JK of course it's America)

Favorite hobbie: Taking pictures (preferably of me)

Rank of handsomeness (1-10):... 10? that's it?... ummm... 10000000000000000!! YEAH! Maxon Scheave is beyond beautiful

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