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Renegade held out a small black gun in front of himself, his finger on the trigger, aiming it at an older malicious man,"Tsk, tsk, tsk you just had to go and kill that family, didn't you? You could have spent the weekend at home, binge watching on Netflix, but you chose to go and kill some people instead."

The older man tried to move towards the doors of the dark abandoned warehouse they were in currently in, only causing Renegade to turn the safety off of the gun,"I wouldn't try that if I were you."

"Kid, put the gun down. You don't know what you're doing. You don't know who I am. My men will go after you if you pull that trigger."

Renegade lowered the gun slightly- He spoke confidently, so the man was possibly not bluffing.

"There ya go! See, now you're thinking." The man dashed for the door, but stopped as a large figure leaped through one of the many glass pane windows.

Renegade didn't even need to turn to see who had interrupted them,"Heya Batsy! Nice seeing you again, but I'm kind of busy right now. Maybe come back in half an hour?"

The criminal looked terrified as Batman stood before him. "Arrest him! Take him away! He's trying to kill me! Do something!"

"Is this true?"

"Of course not." Renegade rolled his eyes.

"He's a liar! I'm innocent! Arrest him!"

"Shut the hell up," Renegade raised his gun and shot the man in the head. He smiled as his body hit the cement floor,"Much better,"He turned back to the Dark Knight,"You were saying...?"

A deep voice came from the Dark Knight,"You need to stop."

Renegade had had a few encounters with Batman before, but they had been brief encounters that consisted of Batman saying some random code of moral then Renegade escaping, lasting hardly 30 seconds each.

A loud obnoxious sigh came from Renegade,"I'm so tired of you telling me what to do! I just want to be like my friends and have fun! Can I not be a normal teenage girl? Is that too much to ask?"

The Batman rose an eyebrow which caused the teen to cackle,"Come on Bats, you're such a buzzkill. They should call you.... Bee-man." Renegade laughed but Batman did not see the humor in it,"You know, buzzz... beeee..." He held out the ends of his words.

"I got it."

"Wow, okay then, tough crowd..."

"Renegade, you need to stop killing, this is your last and final warning. I've tried to help you before, but you have not listened. If you kill one more person, the next time we meet, I will not hesitate to take you to a Juvenile Detention Center."

Renegade pouted,"Are you kidding me? That guy just killed a whole family! I've only killed crooks.... and a few really irritating people, but that's not the point! If anything, I should be getting a 'thank you'.... and a cash reward wouldn't hurt either. You know what, throw a pony in there too! I love ponies!"

"You have one chance left. Don't ruin your life. You're still young, go to your family, have fun with friends, just stop killing." The Dark Knight deployed a smoke bomb and snuck out of the building.

Renegade groaned,"Well talk about dramatic... Now who should I kill next?"

Eeeeek! A new book!! I have a really really good feeling about this one!

Renegades suit is the suit in the cover, it's pretty dark, with a few touches of dark grey, such as the fabric holding it together and his utility belt.

Considering having Birdflash in this.... I might not tho, I'll prob just hint at it. Idk

~~~Tell me what y'all think. Do you like Renegades personality, think he's a little too harsh, maybe too kind? Please comment and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!~~~

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