Chapter 6: Lunch

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As we walk in i see Lacey right away.She waves at me so I do the same.

"Who is Thaa?" Niall asks.

" That Is Lacey Reed...telling me to sit down whit her so-" I get Cut off by this very cute guy.

"Hey Nialler" The Cute Guys says.

"Hey" Niall says whit a smile.

"Who Is This Hot Girl...Wait...Are You two Brother and sister or are Ya'll Dating" The Cute Guys says. Before I could answer Niall speaks first."No We Aren't dating, we are not Bro And Sis Either...This is Bailey My...Best Friend" Niall says introducing me to him. WOW me and niall best friends...But I only meet him Yesterday...LOL.

"Ohh...well in That case.. Hi I am Jonathan and you must be Bailey" Jonathan says. Is he really that stupid. OH Lord.

"No shit Sherlock...I will Leave you too bozos alone because I am hungry so bye" I say whit a smile on my face and walk away. I started walking towards Lacey's table. I see Grace is whit her too. Good. ACTUALLY GREAT because I know two girls.

"Hey Girl" Grace says.

"hi" i respond whit a warm smile.

"HEY" Lacey Yells and hug me. I like this girl. Shes something alright.

"sit down" Grace tells me. So i obligate.

"So tell us..Why where you talking to those two HOT Guys" Grace asks or tells.I'm Not sure which one.

I laugh. "Who niall or Jonathan?" I ask still laughing.

"uuuugghhh Niall" Grace says blushing and acting silly.

"OHHH that Irish Dumb-ass hes my best friend" I say. Lacey laughs and soon we all join in.

"So...did Jonathan talk about me" Lacey asks looking at the tray of yummy food. Boy am i hungry i need to get my food.

"No why" i say trying to make eye contact whit her.

"Because we broke up this morning and that is part why i was crying earlier" she says. I notice a small tear fall out of her eye.

"Its ok Lace" Grace says. Grace coudn't hug her at the moment because we sat In table of four. Two on one side and Two on the other. Me and lace where on one side and grace was on the other. So i hugged her before standing up.

"Stay strong....I am starving and lunch is almost over and i haven't ate so... I will be right back." i say. I get My lunch and sit down to eat it. After that We just talk about random stuff.

"so Let me see if i get this right both of you are in a band together" I say whit a shocked expression.

"yup" both answer at the same time. "No way... I always wanted famous friends" I say.

"well can you sing maybe we can be a group of three" Grace says. "yea do you sing or play an instrument?" Lacey asks.

"um no i don't" 

"oh ok...well what are yall doing today after school" Grace asks. 

" I'm free...How about you Bailey?" Lacey asks whit a smile and i look over at grace she has her hands tied up like she is praying for me to hang out whit them. 

"I cant i have grocery shopping to do...My dad won't do it any time soon" I try to hold my tears and mission accomplished they stayed in my mind only. 

"oh" Both say. "how about tomorrow" Lacey says. Grace nods and both look at me. "can't make it mom's funeral" I say this time the tears come down. I see niall come towards us.He sits next to grace. Lacey is rubbing small circles in my back.

"What ya'll say to her" Niall says. "nothing she just remembered her mom" Grace answers.

"let me talk to her" Niall tells Lacey. 

I hear her stand up and i think niall sits down.

He whispers in my ear "It will be ok i promise if you want i will go whit you tomorrow If you'd like" All i do is nod. I wipe the tears of and the bell rings, To go to next period. Niall stands up and gives me a thumbs up whit a smile and i nod.

He walks away and says. "See Ya later Bay"

"Bay?" Grace asks as we all stand up and get our stuff. "Yea that is my nickname ya'll can call me bay too" I say as we walk.

"kk bye Bay" Both say at the same time. These girls are so alike. "bye".

We walk our separate ways. The rest of my classes where very boring because we couldn't talk. 

I rode the bus home.

"hey" Niall says as i sit next to him. "hi" I respond.

"What are you doing later?" He asks.

"grocery shopping" I groan.

"Do it on Thursday Because my dad can take us...You can eat at my house after school and i will text you for dinner so you can come..and also you wont have to face your dad" He says. I don't know about this but also i don't want to go alone so i guess i will take him up on his offer. 

"ok" i say whit a smile. 

When we got of the bus we where walking towards our houses. We live a block away from the bus stop. We exchanged numbers, and talked about our day. 

Before we new it we where home.

"BYE BAY!' He yells before entering his house. "BYE NI!" I answer.

I take a deep breath before enter. 

Little did i know what i was about to experience.




HAPPY 21 BIRTH DAY ZAYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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