Chapter 12: That night

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*I decided to update and btw its not edited so sorry for the mistakes*

Bailey's POV

To Luke: I'm fine and thanks for asking.

He does care. But i don't know if i can trust anyone. I mean look what happened when i trusted niall. 

He left.


I heard my phone and i look at the caller. Lacey. I forgot i told her i would call her. 

"hey Lacey whats up?" I ask her . Trying to hide my sadness. 

"Bay he called...again!" She said sounding scared.

"oh my god are you okay?!" I ask her while standing up and pacing back and forth in my room.

"n-no ...I'm not he said that my mom has been lying to me all these years" Lacey says while sobbing. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid.

"Lacey text me your address now...and don't do anything stupid" I said and with that she sayd okay and hung up.

I waited for her text while i changed into some white shorts and a black tank top that had the batman logo. 


From Lacey: ++++++ ++++ ++ (her address)

I grabbed my light blue penny board that i call 'melodies' but before i looked in the mirror my hair was straighten and my bruises where still showing ,of course. And i was Skinner than before. Probably because i haven't ate much lately.

I made my way down the stairs, quietly. when i got down stairs i realized my dad wasn't home so i just walk normally. 

I type Lacey's address on my phones gps and its just 3 blocks away from my house. I head out the door and once i reach the drive way i start to skate.

Nialls pov

I feel so bad about what happened whit bailey. I really like her, and more than just a friend. I want to protect her and help her. But haven't done that much lately. Its a because of that stupid slut Cassie. She started talking to me the day bay didn't come. Its also that stupid Geeks fault.


I am snapped out of my thoughts when i get a text from Lacey. I stand up from my bed and head toward my desk by the window where my phone is at.

From Lacey: Meet me at my house. I have news and im freaking out. i already told Bay and Grace their on their way here's the address. ++++++ +++ ++

I look out the window and see bay is already on her way. She is skating and her hair is flying out of her face and she looks so perfect skating there. 

What the hell? am i saying i get my hoddie and start running down the stairs.

"I'm going with some friends bye" I yell before i head out.

I see bailey about to turn when i yell her name.


Baileys pov

I was about to turn when i hear a very familiar Irish accent calling me. Which causes me to fall.

Ouch. another bruise. At least my dad didn't cause this.

I see niall running towards me.

"bay are you okay?" He asks helping me get up.

"yea I'm fine" I tell him while pushing him away. "its not like you care anyway" I mumble under my breath. 

" i do care" he says shyly looking at his feet.

"i-i like you...more than a friend" He says and the last part he says while looking me straight in the eye. We just look at each other for what felt like hours which turned out to be a couple of seconds.

"we should get going" I say turning around. I grab 'Melodies' and start to walk. Soon niall and i are walking next to each other. With an awkward silence.

Once we reach Lacey's house. I was about to knock when a crying Lacey swings it open. I just pull her in to a hug. We walk inside and she takes us to a room upstairs. I'm guessing its hers. I see grace sitting in a bean bag across from the bed. I walk towards her and give her a hug i sit in the bean bag next to her. Lacey and niall sit in the bed.

"hes here" Lacey said.

"what do you mean?" Grace asks confused.

"My dad found his way back to Boston and hes trying to find me...He also said that my mom is lying that he didn't die and that she tried to kill him!" Lacey says already crying. Niall hugs her and strokes her hair saying its OK. I am kinda jealous...WHAT THE HELL NO I'M NOT ITS LACEY??!!!

"BUT YOUR MOM WOULD NEVER DO THAT SHES A REALLY NICE LADY!!!" Grace screamed while standing up.

"i know and i don't believe anything he said...why would i?" Lacey said.

We all helped Lacey get better. Then we decided to watch a movie. Niall picked it it was the one and only 'Mean girls'. We all laughed at niall. 

"what?! I heard it was good." he says smiling. We all sit on the floor. Where Grace put some blankets and Lacey brought chips, popcorn and cokes. It was the first night i actually had fun in. The first night i actually feel safe in. Lacey, Grace and I where laughing so bad because niall said that if we talk to anyone about this he would run us over whit a bus.

When we finish we hug out a bit and Lacey and grace played us some songs of theirs. I had almost forgotten they where in a band together. And they are amazing. 

Finally it was about 1 in the morning so niall and i decided to leave. Grace lived next door so she just walked like 5 feet. 

"bye guys" Lacey said to the three of us. Right after she closed the door. 

"Bye grace" niall and i said at the same time. We look at each other and then turn back to grace.

"Bye guys!" she yells at us while reaching her door step.

Niall and i walk back home in silence. It was starting to get awkward until niall broke the silence. 

"Bailey please don't make this awkward...If you don't like me just tell me" Niall said still walking.

I cant tell him i like him because....well i don't know I JUST CANT. I panicked and ran all the way home not stopping. Niall keep yelling my name and ruining after me but i ran so fast that i think he gave up. I got home and ran up to my room.

I don't know what came over me i just started crying once i sat on my bed. I curled up into a ball and cried. 

That is until i heard a door slam down stairs and two people talking. 

My dad and some lady. 

I walk towards the door and put my ear in the door to hear better.

"Is anyone home?" The lady asked my dad.

"i don't know and i don't care i just want you." He answered.


I just hear them kiss down stairs and i bet they are doing it in the couch. Wow not long enough before he replaces my mom.

I ran to my bed and cried because of my fucked up life. I am just glad i have friends like Niall,Lacey, Grace and maybe Luke.

The thought of my friends made me smile. 

Little did i know that tonight was the last night i saw one of them.








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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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