Chapter 11: Niall changing? & Lacey weird?

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The rest of lunch was quiet. I spot the kid from chemistry and wave at him. He smiles and waves back. When lunch is over i go to the rest of my classes. Witch are pretty boring. Except my last class,Reading,  I notice Luke in the back of the class and walk over to him. 

"Hey" I say. 

"hi Bay ...Do you want to sit with me?" He says smiling. I nod.

"Soo...why do you always sit in the back of the class?" I ask looking at him.

"Its Because...People don't really like me and i am not quite see im not into xbox's, or even video games like most guys, I'm more into making videos or taking photos." He says the first part shyly then the nest confident. 

"Well i like you and i don't care if your not normal...I'm not either." I say smiling. 

When the teacher walks in she says that we are still doing what we have been all week long. But i don't know what we have been doing so i ask Luke. 

"what have we been doing?" 

"Nothing just chilling and talking" He says nicely. 

The rest of the class we just talk. I find out that he rides my bus too, and loves eating pizza,also he is addicted to this band called 'Never shout never' and i tell him to look at my shirt because i am addicted too, and that he only lives with his mom. I tell him about my mom and the crash also why i have the bruises and he just gives me a hug.

When the bell ring i say bye and go to my locker. I see Lacey. I close my locker quick and run after her.

"Lacey wait!" I garb her arm and pull her to the janitors closet. 

"WHAT THE HELL?" She yells. 

"I'm sorry...I just wanted to know what was wrong with you because you have been acting pretty weird lately" I say letting go of her arm.

"No I'm sorry its just that my dad called and it was really strange because i thought he died.." She starts but doesn't get to finish because she starts sobbing. I just hold her in for a hug and tell her its going to be OK. 

"Lacey i have to go but call me tonight okay?" I say while pulling away from the hug. She nods. 

We say goodbye and leave the janitors closet. I make my way outside to wait for the bus to get here. Which already was here. I run to the doors of the bus and get inside i notice niall with that brunette girl again so i see if there is an available seat. I remembered that Luke said he rides this bus so i look for him.

I spot him alone at the very back of the bus on his phone. I walk towards him and sit down. "Hey" i say.

"hey bailey" he says putting his phone away. After that we just talk and he gives his number and we talk about bands. How we both love this one band called 'The plain white T's' .

When i get off the bus, Niall is waiting for me. I just keep walking but he grabs my wrist and turns me around to face him. 

"Bay i am so sorry she sat next to me...i was saving the seat for you but-" He starts but i interrupt. 

"Niall its okay you don't have to be with me the whole time...we are just friends and plus i meet a guy named Luke and he is really nice to hang with-" Niall interrupts me now.

"Luke...Luke Johnson...That weird kid Johnathan is always making fun of !" Niall starts laughing. How could he talk like that about Luke he is really cool and nice. I cant believe him.

"Well that weird kid and i are exactly the i guess me and you are done." I say and start walking away. How could he? 


Hes right. I thought he liked me. Wow i am stupid. I run home as fast as i can. When i get home i open the door and i see everything is smashed on the floor and there is glass everywhere. 

I just go to my room. I lay on the bed and start crying. 

How did my life get so messed up in just one week? How is it possible that just last week Me, mom and dad were watching a movie and eating popcorn all together and now I'm bruised up and fucked up? Why do i live in this fantasy world that everything is going to be okay when i know its not? I am so fucked up!!!! I just want to scream....ugh. Why am i thinking Lacey is suicidal when i want to take my own life? 

That's when i get a text from Luke. 

From Luke: Heyy...hope you feel okay? Because i really had fun today at school with you? :)

Luke. Does he care?

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