Chapter 8 : Don't tell anyone

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Bailey POV

I dial nialls phone. He answers on the first ring. 

"WHERE ARE YOU WE HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK" Nialls yells on the phone.

"Long story...but who is we?" I ask. Who asked about me. Probably just Lacey.

"Me, Lacey,and Grace what happened with your mum and the funeral..your dad practically kicked me out of your flat yesterday" He asks and tells at the same time.

"flat ? oh wait house! .. um ill explain later..can you all come after school ends? " I ask.  I hear niall telling them. Hes probably sitting with them.

" Where going to go now...and skip school" He responds fast. 

"UM.. ok but bring food i am starving"

The call ends.

My body hurts all over the place, but i somehow manage to get my self to the kitchen. I open the fridge. Nothing. Literally nothing. 

*knock* *knock*

I make my way to the door. I look through the window on the side. Its them. Grace, Lacey and Niall. I open the door. They just stare at me.

"What happen?" Niall asks.  I motion my hands so they can come in. I lead them towards the kitchen and my body hurts while doing that. 

Lacey helps me sit down in the chair. then they all sit.

"Now tell us what happened" Niall says with worry in his deep blue eyes. 

" I will...but first did you bring food?" I say while rubbing my stomach. Niall nods and hands me a a plate. I unrap the aluminum plate fast, the fastest i can, and its pizza. Finally something good.

Once I'm done eating 4 slices of pizza i am ready to talk. No one has said one word since i started eating. They just stared. 

We go to the living room and niall helps me to the couch.

"OK here it goes.." I whisper to myself. "when i got home from school on dad called me to go upstairs...he told me he had no idea where i was and then ....."

When I'm done explaining everything i know. Lacey is looking at the floor wanting to cry. Grace has a hand over her mouth. And Niall is just... Furious. I can tell because he has his hands crumbled up in to fist. and his face is red.

"That's what happened...the worst part is i have no idea where my moms ashes are?" i say while starting to cry. Lacey and grace come and hug me and comfort me. Telling me its going to get better. 

I Doubt it.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE DO THA TO HIS OWN DAUGHTER?!!!" Niall said angrily while standing up. 

Hes right...why?? Would he do that. " I don't know..but please don't tell anyone or get mad at him...your going to make it worse" I tell niall. I stand up, slowly, and make my way towards him. 

" I don't think it can get any worse...what if next time ya don't make it.?" Again hes right.

"still niall, what if he goes to jail...hes still my dad...what happens to me if hes gone." I answer.

I see him calm down after what i said. "but we need to get you to a hospital or somethi-"  Niall was cut off by someone walking in through the front door. We all turn to see who it is. MY DAD.

"dad?" I ask.

"your awake honey...that is so great" he come towards me and hugs me. OUCH. It still hurts. "I was so worried...because on Monday you feel down the stairs when i called you" WHAT THE FUCK...that did not happen. I pull away. 

"what?" I say confused. I turn back and look at niall he is about to jump and punch my dad. But i give him a stare. I look at Grace and Lacey and they look as confused as i am. 

"yea Bay you feel really hard...i went and carried you to your room and well you didn't wake up until now I guess...Oh and honey I'm so sorry but i had to go and get your moms ashes today because i couldn't take you to the funeral yesterday sorry" He said sadly. But i don't believe him. Hes lying. I jut go along with it.

"oh my god..." i say.

"sorry honey...Well I will leave you kids here talking...while i go shower." Then he leaves the living room.

We wait for the water to start. When we hear it we all nod. 

"Why would he lie?" I say. 

"I don't know but you have to take care of yourself, we will always be here." Lacey says with a warm smile. I try to smile back but my lip hurts.

"maybe he didn't say anything because we are here." Niall says. "But if he ever hurts you again tell me and i will make sure he pays" Niall threaten. It kinda scares me. "Thanks...I guess" i say

"We should go school is almost over and my parents can't know i skipped" Grace says. 

"yea me too" Lacey says.

"I guess i have to go to...Bye Bay" niall says.

I walk them out the door and before i close the door Lacey whispers something in my ear. "Stay strong, and away from will me" she says and gives me a smile. I close the door and head to my room. I hold the handle bar for the stairs all the way up. 

I pass my dads  room and i want to knock and say 'why did you lie...I know you wanted to kill me' , but i don't. I walk to my room. I close  the door behind me and lay on the bed. What did Lacey mean by 'stay strong and away from blades' . I don't know but i need to sleep, even though i slept like 3 days.

I was about to try to fall asleep when there is a harsh knock on my door. "OPEN UP WE NEED TO TALK!" My dad yells. I don't want to open it but I'm scared. 

"NOW!" He yells again and knocks harshly, louder, and faster. Oh god.


He bust open my door. I'm scared. Help. Wait there is no one to help me...I feel alone right now. Mom Please I Need You.


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