Surprises (Rewritten)

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After Gustus had guided Arabelle's tent, he left her alone. Which she was sure he was still standing outside of it. Arabelle sat on a makeshift cot with Autumn next to her asleep. She found it odd how this was already prepared for her. That had meant they had this planned. What the hell had Renly wanted with her?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the tent opening. Arabelle didn't bothering looking up assuming that it was Gustus. "Lady Arabella," a voiced greeted that was definitely not Gutus.

Curiosity took over as she looked up to see- Loras Tyrell? It had made sense because of Renly's marriage to his sister. But what did he want? "Loras Tyrell, we haven't met. It's wonderful to meet you." She greeted back politely

Loras gave her a small nod in return. "It is just wish we didn't meet under these circumstances." The both of the them gave each other small sad smiles.

Arabelle had heard stories about Loras Tyrell. Especially in the capital. She didn't know if they were true or false. But she had heard that he was a very cocky person which she could tell from the apprentice. There were also rumors about his sexual orientation but she didn't question.

"What can I do for you?" Arabelle asked wanting to know what the Tyrell needed. He seemed fairly uncomfortable talking to her.

He scratched the back of his head. Loras for sure didn't want to tell her the news. "Renly wants us to marry. Something about keeping you safe."

Arabelle was taken back by the news. She wanted to go up to the Baratheon and question him herself about this. Renly wasn't able to force her into this but there had to be some other reasoning for wanting her to marry Loras.

But Arabelle was only 15 and naive. She had just lost her father and Renly was really her only protection. So she accepted.

The North's Winter Rose <Undergoing Rewrites!>Where stories live. Discover now