Worries & Warnings (Rewrriten)

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Hello! Thank you guys for 1,000 views! I can't thank all you guys enough for reading my book! Also probably after this chapter there will be one more maybe then it's the Red Wedding. That is when is gets interesting for Arabelle.


When Robb came back with the food. Arabelle looked at her brother weirdly. At first she looked at his face then down to the food in his hands. The food was lemon cakes. Arabelle only chuckled "Robb I'm not Sansa, I hate lemon cakes."

Robb immediately looked down towards the food that was in his hands. "Sorry Arabelle, I just wanted to talk to you and catch up with you because I missed you." Robb jabbered

Arabelle then got up and patted his shoulder "Robb it's fine plus I'm not that hungry, I was just messing with you." Robb smiled down at his younger sibling. He shook his head and laughed "Since when were you the wise one"

"Since when have I not been." Arabelle sassed

"Anyways so what has happened since we last saw each other?" Robb then knew he messed up by the look on Arabelle's face. "Besides that." Robb then corrected

"I just sadly conversed with the Lannisters, I mean the good thing is I didn't have to eat lemon cakes." Arabelle admitted She looked at Robb's face and knew he was hiding something. "Alright Robb what is it?"

"I going to marry someone." Robb avowed

Arabelle nearly choked on air. "Who?" she questioned

Robb silently chuckled, "She's a Frey, her name is Roslin Frey."

"What? Robb you shouldn't marry a Frey." Arabelle told him sternly

"Why shouldn't I?" Robb questioned

"Because Robb you shouldn't ever trust a Frey." Arabelle then looked straight at Robb in the eyes "Be careful, with all of this just not this war, you are getting married to a girl whose father could betray you at any moment. Just remember you are getting married during a war." Arabelle warned her older sibling


Sorry this is really short I will most likely have another chapter up later BYE!

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