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Arabelle walked up to Theon and punched him. Claire not knowing who he was ran up behind her pulling her off. "What are you doing Claire!" She screamed

Claire looked equally disgusted and confused at Arabelle. "Why did you hit this man?" She asked

Arabelle turned to look at Theon. He looked broken down. Something had happened to him that broke him. "He killed my brothers." She whispered in disgust

Everyone quieted down after that. Claire's face fell at what Arabelle told her. "Leave us." Arabelle commanded

"I didn't kill Bran and Rickon. I killed two peasant boys." Theon admitted

Arabelle's face filled up with shock. She looked at Theon right in the eyes before speaking. "What happened to you?" She asked sincerely

Theon looked down not wanting to face Arabelle. "Ramsay Bolton, he did horrible things to me. I deserved it though." He whispered

Arabelle's face softened. "Do you know if any of my siblings are alive?" She questioned

"Jon is still at the wall for all I know. Then Sansa she's alive. She was at Winterfell with Ramsay but we escaped." He explained

A small smile creeped up on Arabelle's face. She walked towards Theon hugging him. "Sorry for punching you." Arabelle apologized

Theon accepted the hug. "It's okay."


Bjorn took in how many ships Daenerys actually had. She had so many ships. More than Bjorn could comprehend. "Something challenging you little brother?" Claire asked

"She just has so many ships and men." He gasped

Claire chuckled, at the sight of her brother being so amazed. "You're acting like you're a little kid again. Come on we better get on the ship before they leave us."

The siblings boarded the ship seeing Philip and Arabelle standing there. Philip noticed them and nudged Arabelle a little to let her know. "Are you ready?" She asked

"Are you?" Bjorn shot back

Arabelle took a deep breath before replying. "Yeah, I'm going home."

Well that's it till season 7 starts! Doesn't the trailer for the new season look awesome? I'm so excited for it. Thank you guys for reading this book so far. It means a lot to me.

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