The Cell (rewritten)

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When Arabelle woke up she was in a cold damp cell. She was slow to get up, but couldn't see anything because the cell was so dark. As she propped herself up against the wall she tried to remember what happened but as soon as she did she wished she didn't. Arabelle began to weep for her fallen family members. Then she got angry at her brother she warned him countless times but he still didn't listen. Guilt came next she heard the Rains of Castamere but didn't do anything. She killed her brother and mother. She killed all those soldiers who wouldn't be able to go home to their family. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard keys opening the cell door.

*Arabelle's POV*

"Grab her Lord Frey (A/N is that the right thing to call him?) wants her" One of the guards told the others They came and grabbed me. I had no strength to fight back. I had no will to do it.

When we arrived in there that was when my temper boiled. I wanted to go punch the bastard in the face. We were in the same room that they died in.

"Ah Arabelle welcome back!" Walder pestered at me

"The Lannister's only want you dead, but you see I feel as if we have a better use of you. You know my son Black Walder." The asshole who killed my mother. I lunged at Black Walder only to be stabbed with a sword.

"Bring her back down there and patch her up. She will she soon realize marrying him is her best chance." Walder ordered and once again I was hit over the head.

*No one's POV*

Once Arabelle woke up it was the middle of the night. It was about around midnight by the look of it from the small window on the wall. She heard howling and tired to get up but failed miserably. Arabelle kept on wincing as she looked down she was bleeding through her bandages. Arabelle pushed through that pain. When she got up she practically fell over from being hit over the head so much.

"Okay not the best idea, better just lie down." She told herself As she was trying to get herself to fall asleep she heard two males whispering and what sounded like an animal. Something was messing with the door trying to open it but Arabelle was to scared to look. The door finally opened two men and two direwolfs came in, Grey Wind and Autumn. Autumn came and licked Arabelle's hand to make sure she was alive. When she moved and opened her eyes slightly one of the men spoke to her.

"Hello Arabelle, My name is Bjorn the man next to me is Philip we're here to take you somewhere safe. Okay?" Bjorn told Arabelle softly "I need you to nod if you trust us." Arabelle nodded "Okay come on." Bjorn then picked her up as they left.


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