Vengeance Part 2

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Picture above is what she's wearing this chapter.

"We better get going soon." Philip ordered getting annoyed with the two people in front of him. He then decided to go get the small things done before leaving."I'm going to go buy a cart to hook up to the horses." Bjorn nodded and Arabelle looked at him weirdly.

"There is a village near by." Bjorn explained to the confused Stark

"Then why hasn't any soldiers tried to find me?" Arabelle demanded Bjorn gave her a sad look "That's because everyone thinks you're dead. Even your siblings." Arabelle sat there in shock. She knew what she needed to do.

"Once I kill Joffrey, I have to make a new life. In a new kingdom with a new family but that will never fill the vengeance in my heart." Arabelle looked on to where Philip should be at any moment. Bjorn was about to reply to Arabelle but was cut of by Philip walking over to them.

"You guys ready?" Philip then proceeded to get the little things they had and throw them in the cart.

"Yep, let's go," He picked up Arabelle and got in the cart with her

"Why aren't you riding on your horse up there with Philip?" Arabelle questioned the man Bjorn pretended to look shocked by her question. Arabelle only laughed at his stupidity.

"I wanted to hang out with you. Plus the horse is right in front of us I mean it's kind of connected to the cart." Bjorn answered the lonely Stark girl

*Time Skip to King's Landing*

The horses stopped fairly far away from the castle. Arabelle was eyeing everything closely. Bjorn put his hand on her shoulder to make sure she was okay. "You okay?" He asked Arabelle nodded and jumped out of the cart.

"Philip you stay exactly here with Grey Wind and Autumn. Alright?" Arabelle ordered Philip He nodded and gave a thumbs up to them.

"Do you think we should travel by roofs or alleys?" Bjorn asked her

"Roofs quicker way and easier to see, but I need to go give the poison to someone first." She answered the man Bjorn was puzzled and his faced was practically radiating it "Just follow me Bjorn." Arabelle told him trying to ease the confusion

They started walking around through alleyways and anywhere that could hide them. Bjorn kept on looking at the girl's face thinking she was insane looking for whoever it was she was trying to find. After a good 5 more minutes of walking and ducking. Arabelle finally stopped with Bjorn basically running into her. She was looking straight ahead at an old lady walking with two guards. Bjorn had to blink again to realize that it was Lady Olenna Tyrell. The Queen of Thorns told the guards away quickly and walked to her chair with some hand maidens following behind. Arabelle quickly grabbed Bjorns arm making him follow her. They hid behind a barrel so no one could see them except whoever was close to Olenna.

"Lady Tyrell," Arabelle whispered Olenna looked down towards the noise and smiled.

"It's alright Arabelle none of us will let the Lannisters know you're here." Arabelle got up and walked to Olenna while Bjorn still sat there reluctant for a moment. He finally gave in after a little bit.

Olenna observed the girl. "What can I do for you Arabelle?"

"I want vengeance for my family and I need your help for that. All I need you to do is plant this poison in Joffrey's drink. Please Olenna." She begged the older lady

"Alright Arabelle." Olenna agreed


Sorry for the ending I was going to go longer but I'm sick right now so I feel like crap. I promise next chapter is going to be the Purple Wedding.

Who's your favorite so far Philip or Bjorn?

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