Vengeance Part 1

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The men looked at Arabelle weirdly. Finally Philip spoke up "How do you expect to do that Arabelle?"

"He is getting married soon right? I'll just pull a Cersei." Philip had his head in his hands considering it. While Bjorn just watched Arabelle and Philip talk about it.

Finally, after a good 30 seconds Philip looked up and gave in "Alright but I'll have the boat ready for you two. When you come running with 50 lannister soldiers behind you." Arabelle smiled, then an idea popped up in her head when she saw how annoyed Philip was. She looked over at Autumn and the direwolf basically read her mind. Autumn trotted over to Philip and licked him on the face. Bjorn started laughing so hard he couldn't breathe. It wasn't because of what just happened. It was because he had slobber everywhere on his face and the look on his face of pure shock just added to it.

"Alright! Let's get some sleep, we leave tomorrow at dawn." Philip ordered Everyone's faces dropped. It even seemed like the animals faces also dropped.

"Okay mister no fun." Arabelle teased Bjorn looked over at Arabelle then to Philip. Philip's face was pleading for help. Bjorn just shrugged and rolled over to go to bed.

*The Next Morning*

The dogs were the first ones up at dawn. Grey Wind choose to wake up Bjorn instead of Philip just in case if Philip was still grumpy from yesterday. At first Bjorn rolled over but then Autumn walked over and stepped on him. Bjorn groaned "That hurt Autumn." He saw that Philip was still asleep and then he put the pieces together. "Are you guys seriously afraid to wake him up? Look at how big you guys are." "I'm talking to two giant wolfs."

"Yep you are but don't worry I do it all the time." Arabelle whispered She got up well more like attempted to then fell right back down. Arabelle grabbed her torso with one hand and her head with the other. "Do you have like a cart or something I can ride in?" Bjorn nodded and came to prop her up against a tree.

Bjorn spoke softly to her next "How bad does your head hurt Arabelle?" Bjorn examined her she looked very pale and fragile. At first it looked like Arabelle wasn't going to give in but then she admitted "It hurts, really bad"

"I guess them hitting you over the head twice, took a toll on you." Philip chimed in The direwolf's came over to him for attention. Yet all they got was Philip flinching.

"You scared of them now?"

"Maybe, anyways it will be awhile til we're at King's Landing so you will have time to heal." Philip reminded "Oh and may I ask how exactly are you going to kill Joffrey?"

"Like I said I'll pull a Cersei, I'll poison her son."


A/N sorry for the sort of same ending like the last chapter :)

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