Chapter 13

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*About two weeks later*

It was Saturday and I decided to go to the Sephora in the mall because I needed more foundation and I wanted to pick up some different eyeshadows. I hopped on my bike and rode off to the mall. I was beginning to feel like I spent my entire life there. Haha

I locked up my bike and went to Jamba Juice, getting a large strawberry and banana smoothie. I made my way to Sephora, stopping at one of the center stands that sold phone cases. I heard a familiar laugh. I turned around to see Sam and Jane in line together at Starbucks. I promised myself I wasn't going to overreact. I needed more proof to tell if he was actually cheating. Maybe they became friends since I started dating Sam. Jane wouldn't backstab me like that and I know it. I was still curious though.

I followed them into Forever 21, being careful not to be spotted. She was laughing holding clothes up to herself. She would hand them to Sam and he'd put them over his arm. Well, it sure looked like they were on a date. Starbucks and he's buying her stuff. They took a couple selfies and moved to the checkout line.

I couldn't believe it. I followed as they went to the food court together sitting at a table for two with their Chinese food. I had seen enough. I stormed out and unlocked my bike. I rode home with tears streaming down my face. I was 100% sure my mascara was running too, but I didn't care. I was broken, destroyed. I trusted him. He was my first boyfriend, my first love, and first heartbreak. When I got home I ran upstairs. I gave myself 5 minutes of tears and promised myself I would shed another tear over him.

I was going to make him regret this. 'What was the main difference between Jane and I?' I thought. She is wayyy thinner than me. So that's what he wanted, what he was after. I'll give him what he wants. I started then and there. I put on my yoga pants, sports bra, and hoodie. I laced up my sneakers and grabbed my earphones plugging them into my phone. I washed my face and ran downstairs grabbing a water and taking a couple of drinks before I started.

I just ran with no particular path in mind. I ran and ran wherever my footsteps led. After about 10 minutes I arrived at Sam's house. I stopped dead in my tracks. I saw Kian's truck turn the corner on its way to Sam's house. I began running again. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I just needed to shed the pounds. I ran back to my house and took a shower.

My stomach had begun to grow. On instinct I walked down to the refrigerator and opened the door. 'NO!' I scolded myself. I ran back upstairs and put out 50 crunches. I then got up and added 100 jumping jacks. He was going to regret cheating. Just then my phone went off.

Babe <3: Wanna come over and watch a movie? :*

Me: no

Babe <3: What's wrong? Are you feeling okay? Do you want me to come over?

Me: no

Babe <3: I'm coming over <3

Me: We're done!

And with that I changed his contact.

Sam: What???? But I love you!

Me: Oh save it pretty boy!

I turned my phone off and plugged it in. I turned on the radio and drowned out my problems with country music, crunches, and jumping jacks. When I was completely exhausted I got in bed and fell asleep.

Sam's POV

I wanted to go shopping for Mel for a one month anniversary present. I was already giving her the skateboard that she always uses, but I wanted to but her something too. I decided to call up Jane and she if she'd help me out. I really wanted to get her something good and if there was one person who knew her best, I'd have to admit, it was Jane.

We went to the mall and got Starbucks. After that we went to Forever 21 and she helped me pick out some clothes. When we finished we were getting hungry so we went to the food court and got some Chinese food.

After we finished she went home and Kian came over to my place. We played a little X-Box. He left and so I decided to text Mel.

Me: Wanna come over and watch a movie? :*

Cutie Pie: no

Me: What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?  Do you want me to come over?

Cutie Pie: no

Me: I'm coming over <3

Cutie Pie: We're done!

Me: What???? But I love you!

Cutie Pie: Oh save it pretty boy!

Me: What's wrong? What did I do?

After that there was no response. I threw my phone on the ground and punched the wall. Why is this happening to me? I love this girl and after she gets me hooked on her she just drops me. I wasn't sure whether to be sad or mad. I got in bed and cried until I fell asleep. I didn't know what else to do.


***Hey everyone! I added some drama as you can tell :D I hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment! <3

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