Chapter 18

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***I hope you all enjoy this chapter :) Don't forget to comment and vote! I love hearing from you guys and am open to constructive criticism :D


Mel's POV

*Ding dong*

The door bell rang as I finished zipping up my suitcase. Today I was clad in yoga pants, a one direction shirt, and navy blue Toms. My hair was down and curly, and I had applied foundation, mascara, and eyeliner to my face.

I slid down my banister and ran over to the door. "Hey," I greeted who I thought was going to be Sam, "What's up Kian?" "Sam just woke up so he asked me to pick you up first and then grab him. Oh, and Andrea's in the car," he explained. "Yay!" I cheered, "Just let me run up and get my things." In just a few minutes I was trudging back down the stairs with my suitcase and purse.

Kian took my suitcase and put in in the trunk of what was probably Andrea's car because she was driving while I hopped in the backseat. "Hey! You must be the famous Mel," Andrea blurted out excitedly. "She's just a little bit excited that she isn't going to be the only girl this time," Kian laughed at her. "I'm excited too," I admitted, "I like meeting friendly people."

We jammed out to Story of My Life by One Direction until we pulled up to Sam's house. "I'll go get him," I volunteered hopping out of the car. I rang the door bell and when he didn't come, I let myself in. I walked up to Sam's room and walked in on him putting his shirt on. "Hey there Hot Stuff," I said from the doorway. "You ready Cutie Pie?" he walked over and enveloped me in a hug. "Yep! I'm jittery with excitement," I giggled.

Sam grabbed his suitcase and threw on his Lawlorff snapback. He grabbed my hand and led me downstairs and into the kitchen. He grabbed 4 Arizonas and we walked out to Andrea's car. Once we.had gotten situated, Sam passed out the Arizonas. Just like that, we were L.A. bound.

~*~*~ In L.A.~*~*~

"Turn here!" Kian yelled. Andrea turned sharply barely making the turn, "Yeah, thanks for the time to plan." "Sorry, I haven't been to their new house," Kian explained.

We pulled into the driveway and grabbed out stuff. We walked to the front door with our suitcases and Sam let himself in. We followed in closely behind to discover and empty house.

Connor's POV

"Hey guys! They're here! Hide!" I shouted as Kian, Sam, and their lady friends pulled up. We all ran into the closet in Jc's room and waited. "Ewww! Who farted?" Trevor whisper yelled. "Shhhhhh," I quieted the giggles as I heard the door open. I heard muffled voices and then I heard Kian say, "Lets just put our stuff down and then worry about finding them." In a matter of seconds I heard footsteps in front of Jc's room. "1....2.....(The door opened)....3!" on my count we all flew out of the closet.

Mel's POV

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed jumping into Sam's arms. That was weird... normally I don't jump into someone's arms. I normally just hide my face. I guess I just felt safe with Sam's arms wrapped around me. "I knew you'd all come out of the closet sooner or later!" Sam joked.

We all cracked up, laughing over the boys. I hopped out of Sam's arms and stood beside him when Connor spoke up, "And who would this be?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Everyone, this is Melanie, my girlfriend," he announced giving me a quick peck on the cheek. I heard Andrea let out an awe. "You guys can call me Mel though," I blushed. "That's Connor, Trevor, Ricky, and you already know Kian and Jc," he explained pointing to each according boy.

"We're gonna go get some food to bring back while you guys settle in," Ricky hollered as he and the other boys walked put the door. "Lets make a video," Andrea suggested as soon as the door closed. "Sure, just let me set up the camera," Kian agreed, "What type of video?" Andrea and I caught each other's glance and she winked. "A guys makeover..." she smiled. "I think I'm actually gonna try to do your makeup nice," Sam said smiling at me. "Andrea and I wanted to do your guy's makeup though," I smiled. "Fine," they both sighed, "Here goes nothing."

Andrea and I grabbed our makeup while the boys set up the camera. We all gathered on the ground together boy-girl-boy-girl. "Hey everyone! It's 2/6 of O2L and our girlfriends here," Sam said into the camera. "And today our lady friends will be doing our makeup," Kian followed up. "Okay, let's begin!" I said grabbing my foundation.

"It's so cold!" Sam said moving his head. "Hold still, I want this to look nice," I laughed. "That feels good," Kian closed his eyes as Andrea applied the powder. I grabbed the contouring powder and swiped it on. "Look at me," I said as I grabbed my eyeshadow. He only moved partially, so I did one eye first. I grabbed him by the shoulders and turned his body to face me. He leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss. I giggled and looked down into my makeup tote.

I pulled our my eyeliner and made a thin line along his lashline. I pulled out the mascara and his eyes lit up. "I can do that!" he blurted out reaching for the tube of mascara. "No! I want this to look good," I said holding the mascara out of his reach and kissing him on the nose. He pouted out his lip as I applied the mascara.

"Pucker up," I laughed pulling out my lip gloss. He leaned forward and made a kissy face. "I'm not kissing you, I'm applying lipgloss," I laughed spreading the gloss across his lips. "I almost forgot blush!" I said holding up my cream blush. "Noooooo they're normally red though," he protested. "And it's adorable. Now smile," I said rubbing my ring finger in the pot and dabbling it on his cheeks then rubbing it out. "Done!" Andrea yelled. 

We each grabbed a mirror and showed them their faces. "This is scary," Kian shuddered. Andrea and I highfived. "Meet Samantha and Kendal!" we laughed. "Selfie time!" Sam exclaimed in a girly voice, "Duck lips!"

We finished the video and the boys started putting the camera away. "We're hooo- What do we have hear?" Trevor hollered as he walked in the front door. "The aftermath of a video," Kian explained.

*~*~*Later that night*~*~*

"Come to bed already," Sam pouted as I finished up my frenchbraid. "Just a minute, I'm almost done," I sighed. "I wanna cuddle...." he said pouting his lip out. I tied off my braid and climbed into bed kissing his pouty lip and snuggling up against his chest. "I like your friends," I whispered. "They like you too," he kissed my forehead and I drifted off to sleep.

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