Chapter 19

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*** Hey y'all! I'm baaaaack :) This chapter is gonna be short, but I'll probably update again on Friday :) If you guys wouldn't mind, comment which you like better, Sam's or Mel's POV? I know I do a lot of Mel but comment if you want more Sam :)


Sam's POV

I woke up to the sound of doors slamming and Trevor singing in the shower. I yawned and pulled Mel in closer to me. She made some mumbling sounds and nuzzled her face into my arm. I stretched across her with my free arm to grab my phone. I unplugged it from my charger and checked the time. It was five past noon, no wonder everyone was being so loud.

I checked my texts and saw one from Kian.

Kian: Wanna go Christmas shopping? We can drop the girls off at a different mall :)

Me: Sounds like a plan. I'll be ready in 30 :P

I tossed my phone to the foot of the bed and kissed Mel on the cheek. She mumbled and flipped over "Come on its time to wake up," I said. kissing her forehead. "I don't wanna," she mumbled, turning to bury her face in my chest.

"But you're going shopping with Andrea today," I coaxed. She leaned back just a bit and opened on eye. "Continue," she said becoming interested. "Kian and I are dropping you guys off at the mall while we run some errands today," I explained while running hand through her hair. She was too adorable in the morning. "Really?" she smiled. "Yup!" I popped the p. She pulled back the covers and rolled out of bed making her way to the closet.

"Well, if you're that excited, go shower and I'll pick out some clothes!" I laughed. "Thanks!" she said skipping to the bathroom. Wow, I never realized how much she loved shopping.... *bbbzzzzz* my phone went off.

Kian: Did you have any ideas on what you wanted to get her?

Me: Maybe a camera or a skateboard and a heart ring?

Kian: She'll love whichever you choose :)

Me: Thanks man

I walked over to the closet and picked out some black leggings and an oversized, thin, hot pink sweater. For me, I picked out some skinny jeans and a black thermal with my converse. I picked up her clothes, grabbed some underwear, and set it in the bathroom on the toilet seat for her when she got out of the shower. I picked out her tan Uggs and put them by her side of the bed along with her brush and a ponytail holder.

When she came out of the shower I hopped in and cleaned off. When we were done getting ready we went to the kitchen to get some food.


*** Sorry this chapter was so short, I forgot about updating until 7ish and so I didn't have as much time to gather ideas and write to get it updated tonight. Like I said before, I will most likely update again on Friday to make up for this one being so short :/ Don't forget to vote and comment :D

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