Part 11

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Part 11

Justin's POV

We finally get out of the car after a long ride and I notice we're at a restaurant.

It seems fancy and private.

Why did Selena drag me here?

Actually, that's not even at the top of my list right now.

We both get out of the car and she suddenly looks at me seriously.

"Stay close to me at all times" Selena whispers, wrapping her arm around my arm and I nod before we walk into the restaurant.

I sigh as a sudden chill runs through my body.

I subconsciously look at my suit and then back at her dress.

We actually matched so I didn't look too bad I guess, I was just cold.

Not that I ever look bad.

Especially my police suit.

Oh, wait... She took that away.

Probably cut it into strips.

Then spat on it.

Peed on it.

Before burning it.

And then throwing it in a car causing it to explode with a dead person inside.

Selena slips her hand into mine causing me to suck in a breath.

I know she needed me for something so I decide to comply.

She drags me to a table which had a couple of men dressed in black and sunglasses on.

I instantly knew that they were...

The Blood Tribe.

They're one of the deadliest gangs in the world.

They murdered and dealt with drugs.

Let's just say they have a lot of criminal records.

But what's the connection selenas connection with them?

Oh, wait... She's a murderer and apparently a drug dealer due to the guy she killed right in front of me.

Oh yeah, I still remember it.

"Well hello, Miss Gomez, what do you have for us?" Dylan asks, with that ugly smirk of his and I mentally growl at him.

He's basically the leader of the group even though he didn't really do anything. He usually sent one of his gang members to do his dirty work for him.

To think about it, I'm actually surprised he came.

Even though I didn't know he was going to come since Selena kidnapped me and forced me to come here...

Ya get the point.

"Well I heard you're out of stock of Marijuana, and I have some leftover but it will cost a million dollars," Selena says and I choke on my breath.

A million fucking dollars.

I look at her and she places a suitcase that I didn't realise she had, on the table.

Fuck. I feel so useless right now.

There's a crime happening right in front of me and I'm sitting here doing nothing.

Selena glances at me with a smirk and I clench my jaw as I feel like she's doing this on purpose now to mess with me.

I honestly won't be surprised.

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