XII (I'm back!)

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Thanks to everyone who has supported me and my writing! I'm going to start this book back up and finish it! But I will ask for your votes so I can keep motivated to write and actually know that people really read this! Love you all and stay gold.. SG


It was a Thursday when I walked downstairs of Buck's and seen a new poster on the bulletin board.

Tulsa's Annual Sweetheart's Dance
Saturday Night. Starts at 6 and bring a dancing partner.

I've never heard of this dance before.. it must be a east side thing.

"You looking at the dance coming up Rosie?" Buck asked.

"Yeah, I've never heard of it before, but I bet it will be fun." I replied.

"Has anybody asked you to it yet?"

"Nope, but maybe one of the boys could take me if I mentioned it to them."

Buck gave me a curious look.

"I bet you 5 cents that Dally will ask you."

I snapped my head towards Buck and furrowed my eyebrows. Dally would never ask me to a dance, more or less to go anywhere with him. That I was sure of.

"Buck are you crazy? Dally hates me!" I laughed at his irony, but Buck wasn't laughing.

"Whatever you think Rosie." Buck returned behind the counter and I raced out the door to catch the midday bus.


I took the bus to my normal stop, just a few streets away from the Curtis' and walked. Going to the Curtis' was a daily thing for me, when I didn't have to work.

I walked in the door and everything seemed to have gotten quiet super quick. It was super weird because all of the boys were there (except for Pony) and none of them were saying anything?

"H-hey guys..?" I said, feeling the atmosphere loosening up.

It was almost as if somebody had flipped a light switch and the boys were back to normal.

"Hey Rosie! Whatcha up to?" Darry asked.

"Aww, just had a day off today and thought that I could spend it with you all.." To be really honest, I felt lonely when I wasn't with the guys so I decided to come on over.

"Okay, well I was about to make some chocolate cake if you wanted to help?" I nodded my head up and down in excitement and ran to the kitchen.

"I'll go help her." I heard Two say and I blushed behind the kitchen counter.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my body and somebody resting their head on my neck.

"Hey hon.." I felt his breath on my ear. I turned around, his hand still wrapped around me, and faced him.

"Hey lover-boy.." I said, his face a centimeter away from mine.

"Lover -boy.. Hmm. I've never been called that before." Two paused.

"I like it."

I stared at his lips, wanting to kiss them but couldn't find the courage to lean in.

Two noticed and slowly began getting closer to my face until I heard something drop behind me, scaring me in the process and making me jump away from Two.

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