Chapter 11

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~Yuri's point of view

"Yuri is getting married!" Mila shouts when sees the rings on my and (Y/N) hands

"no one is getting married you old hag" I say and blush a bit, what if? will (Y/N) say yes? NO! no. not gonna happen any time soon! to young for it!

"it's Yuri's new year present, isn't it pretty?" (Y/N) your name holds out her hand to show Mila the ring.

"man, I wish my boyfriend was like that but instead a 15-year-old kid buys better gifts than him" Mila looks at me and (Y/N) hugs me, I still get this fuzzy feeling when she does.

"Hey you three! back to skating!" Yakov yells at us, even though the season ended and I got the gold we need to practice for something else.

paired skating with (Y/N).

Yakov said our last time was pretty good for beginners like us and signed us to another competition, and promised a reward if we get first in Russia.

one problem

Mila is the one to pick the song.

today she said she finally picked one and is going to let us hear it.

"your song is 'partners in crime'!" Mila announces when we sit next to her to listen to the song.

"'partners in crime'? why?" (Y/N) asks Mila

"I just saw the clip and the couple there reminded me of you two" worst explanation ever

"pick another song"I say,

"well I thought of 'marry me' by-" Mila began

"'partners in crime'? sounds awesome" sneaky old hag

"I knew you'll like it!" Mila says with a grin, well it's not that bad of a song. since (Y/N) and I are new in paired skating our program contains only two jumps apparently I need to train in throwing my girlfriend for more then that.

but the choreography is harder than last time to cover on the jumps.

~time skip

"Yuri I want you to meet someone!" (Y/N) I and finished for today, a girl, that I recognize as Liza from the video call in Barcelona, was sitting on the bleachers and watching us for a while.

"so this is the Liza that almost made us break up" I say and get off the ice

"Yuri!" (Y/N) is a bit mad

"yeah sorry about that but I really wanted those photos!" Liza blushes while saying that

"should I tell Otabek about his biggest fan?" I ask, I wonder what would he do if they met

"no I can't ask you for something like that" Liza closes her eyes probably imagining it happen, I see why (Y/N) and Liza are such good friends. fangirls stick together apparently.

"Liza I brought you the memory card and a little something from Barcelona" says (Y/N) and gets out the blue hair clip she bought

"oh thank you it's so pretty!" Liza takes the blue hair clip and puts it in her long black hair, it keeps away a part of it from her eyes.

"I knew it would look great on you!" (Y/N) fixes Liza's hair, Liza's eyes widen when she notices the ring on (Y/N)'s hand.

"what is this?!" Liza asks cheerfully while holding (Y/N)'s hand

"Yuri gave it to me as a new years gift" (Y/N) says and grabs my arm to show Liza my ring

"aww matching rings!" Liza says, I put my hand down and blush a bit, 'it's not such a big deal is it?' I ask myself

we go out to eat, the girls talk about so many things I don't even follow what they are sometimes so I just sit in my phone letting them ignore me in the fast food restaurant.

I leave for the restroom and when I come back I find that some guys are trying to hit on (Y/N) and Liza. should I just write my name on her forehead so everyone knows she is mine?

I come from behind (Y/N) and kiss her cheek glaring at the strangers with a look of death, they get the hint and back off

"why does it keep happening?" (Y/N) asks while I sit down and put my hands in my pockets

"because you are pretty (Y/N), guys like pretty girls duh" I say, Liza smirks and (Y/N) blushes.

we leave the restaurant and go home after waiting with Liza for her bus,

"Yuri you didn't eat much, is everything okay?" (Y/N) asks me on the way home

"yes I'm fine Ii just don't like junk food" I answer, man I wish I could eat something my grandpa made right now.

"well then I can give you my gift now!" (Y/N) says when we enter my house

"and it is?" (Y/N) runs to the kitchen and gets out of the fridge frozen food,

"home made traditional Russian food!" she says, she made all of that?! man should look in the fridge more often, how could she hide all of that?

"I don't have money to buy any fancy gifts like you did so it's the least I could do" (Y/N) prepares everything for warming and cooking the food

"I don't need any fancy gifts. this is more then enough!" I say and sit down at the table

(Y/N) sets the table and I taste a little from everything

"did you make everything yourself?! this is amazing" I stuff my mouth with food

"yes I did, I'm glad you like it" (Y/N) was sitting next to me watching me eat.

this girl is to perfect to be mine. cooking, skating, and she is a pretty violinist. how did I get so lucky?

there is still a lot of food left since name(Y/N) cooked so much, we clean and put away the remaining food back into the fridge, (Y/N) practices violin after she showers, I get into the shower after her. when I get out I don't bother brushing or drying my hair what makes (Y/N) mad for some reason.

"you should take better care of your hair!" she says

"it's just hair" I say and sit down on the floor in her room leaning on the bed

"if you won't take care of it I will!" she says and everything suddenly turns dark, (Y/N) threw a towel on my head and started drying my hair.

"what are you doing?! I can't see!"

"deal with it, I'm not letting this hair go to waste!" she says and rubs my head with the towel. I let her be and lean on the bed again, she puts the towel away and brushes my hair with her fingers. her gentle touch makes me shiver

"your hair is so soft! every girl dreams to have such hair" she says, I can feel her leaning forward and smelling. I blush when she bears her face in my hair.


this chapter is kinda short and a bit boring ^^'

I'm running out of ideas after the first season ended so the next chapter will sure be next year

let's see if you guys can make my 2016 a little better! my goal is 1000 votes before 2017 so please make sure to vote if you liked the chapter

thanks for reading until now! hope to make the next chapter better :3

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