chapter 24

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~the next day

y/n doesn't call me even though I know she figured out I lied, maybe she's still mad at me for what happened with Otabek.

I shower and have breakfast but still get nothing... I try to call but she wont answer and all of my texts remain unseen.

Something seems wrong, very wrong.
I hurry to go check on y/n but her grandmother says neither y/n or Sasha came back from last night.

I go looking for her pushing away any unpleasant though, after few hours I start asking people about y/n showing them a picture of her, but no one have seen her.

-your point of view

I wake up and open my eyes but everything stays dark, my head feels like it's about to explode.

I hear heavy foot steps and freeze, where am I?
Why am I tied?
I try to think, to remember but can't, my head hurts to much.

"Did he tell the police yet?" I hear someone say in Russia with a heavy American accent, the person has a deep voice that makes me shiver in fear

"No" says another voice, wait was that Sasha??

"She moved" says the deep voice, steps, someone is walking towards me.

"good morning y/n~" Sasha whispers into my ear and I jump from his sudden breath on my cheek

"didn't meant to scare you my zaychik (:bunny- a common way to call those who are close to you)" what did he just call me?? I am not and never will be! not after this

"get away from me" I shuffle away without knowing where, the more I move the looser the ropes around my hands are.

"so mean y/n, we were friends for years" he says picking me up and untying my eyes and I finally can see where I am, a garage? no it's too small to be one.

there is a bed in the corner and a pot beside it. there is only one window with bars on it one door that looks really heavy.

the paint on the walls is coming off and the weak yellow light that fills the room makes it look creepier than it already is.

"better?" Sasha asks bringing his face closer

"put. me. down." I glare, he kidnapped me, he gave me to this creepy american man and now talking to me like this? I feel pain in my chest, he was my friend, I trusted him!

"oh? was that a command?" he says grabbing me tighter 

"Sasha, be quiet or I'm kicking you out of here" says the man, I turn my head to look over Sashas shoulder and see a man in his mid 40's around 175 cm tall (5'7?) with dirty blond hair and deep brown eyes, he's shoulders are wider the Sashas, he has a scar across his left cheek.

that man looks like he used to be a soldier.

"sorry" says Sasha quietly and puts me on the bed sitting beside me, I look away at the wall.

"stop that already... nothing will happen to you y/n" that was a very bad attempt to calm me down

"why should I believe you?" I say with an angry voice, hiding the fact I'm scared to death.

Sasha makes me look at him by turning my head with his hand,

"because I would never hurt you" his hand rests on my cheek, his warm skin against my cold face feels so nice, I look down.

"Why did you do this... how did you get as low as kidnapping me?" My anger gets replaced with sadness, he strokes my hair

"I needed money... my mother passed away y/n" he says looking into my eyes.

"money? that's what made you do this?..." I'm so disappointed in him...

"I'm sorry" the rope around my wrists starts falling off as he moves closer, he wants to kiss me!

I hurry to get my hands free but it was too late, Sashas lips press against mine right when my hand raised to slap him.

I hear a 'click' sound and feel cold metal around my other wrist, handcuffs.

"that hurts you know" Sasha glares, his soft expression gone replaced with one I never saw before, the kiss, he noticed the rope was loose , he distracted me so he can calmly handcuff me to the metal bars of the bed.

the bed squicks when Sasha gets up and goes to stand beside the man, I hold back tears.

"no shame in crying is there y/n?" he mocks me, when we were children Sasha used to be very sensitive... I used to tell him that all the time... 

"you try to be tough but I know you too well, soon enough you'll break down" he says revealing his white straight teeth with a psychotic smile.

"I've changed, Yuri made me a different person" I say, right Yuri will notice that something is wrong, he'll be looking for me soon enough

"Yuri" Sasha says with a fake sweet smile,

"you'll be reported missing, and taken away from here" he says walking back towards me

"and you will never come back here, soon enough he'll be thinking you're dead~" He whispers right into my ear, when he steps away my eyes open wide, 

"He'll find a new girlfriend, ain't hard when you're a famous skater is it?" He grins,

"I was trying to play nice but you didn't want to cooperate" He says, I hold my tears the best I can

"come on y/n, let me break down that spirit of yours, give up"


hope you enjoyed this chapter :3 

thank you for reading this far

next chapter by next friday I promise!

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