Chapter 26

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BANG!  I hit the beds bars, pretty fast the rusty metal gives in and slides out of its place.

I slide the other half of the handcuffs out and free to move around, I'm still trapped in here...

I walk to the window and notice one of its bars is broken but I still can't escape through that gap...
An idea pops into my head and I don't waste any time

I drag the bed to the window and turn it on its side, climb on it and now I can reach the window.

I grab the bars and shake them, nothing.

Of course it wouldn't be that easy to get out of here, I think and roll my eyes.

I grab the broken bed bar and starts angrily hitting the windows bars, I keep going until the sum rises, all I managed to do is scrap off the little bit of paint that was left on the bars.

I get down and put everything back to its place, I'll have to be careful not to move the broken bed bar.

Im asleep when Sasha comes, I wake up to find myself being spooned by him, I glance at the door and I cant help it but smile, its wide open and the lock is laying, also open, on the ground.

"Good morning my princess" Sasha whispers into my ear, his lips brush against it what makes me shiver.

"Get away from me..." I say quietly

"I never will~" he says moving hands down my body, I can feel how he grinds against me.

"Get away" I say again and try moving his hand away from my chest

"You're not giving up are you, you'll become mine by force then" he grabs my breast

"Get your filthy hands off me!" I yell and elbow him in the chest, I remove the bar from its place and hit him with it getting away from his grip.

"You bitch!" He sits up in the bed, I hurry to get to the lock before he has a chance to understand what is happening

"Hey! How did you-" he begins to say but I throw the metal bar and it hits his face.

I get out and lock him inside, one look around and I realize where I am and what direction I should go

"Y/n!!" Sasha hits the door with his fists

"How could you Sasha..." I say quietly and leave the place, I get tired pretty fast but keep walking until I get to a highway.
I drop down beside the road panting.

Soon enough a car stops beside me and a tall curvy woman comes out, the first word that popped into my mind is beautiful

"Are you alright sweetheart??" The woman kneels infront of me her eyes full of concern

"Can- can you please take me home?" I say with a dry voice

"Of course!" She helps me up and opens the passengers seat door, I feel how something touches my neck and then a sharp pain
Like a bug bite.

The woman seemed to notice the bug and brushes it away from my neck.

"what happened to you?" She asks, I shake my head not will to talk right now

"oh my sorry non of my business is it?" She closes the door and sits back in the divers seat.

After an hour of driving we finally reach the city, I lean my head against the cold window and now after I get to calm down I finally feel how hungry I actually am.

The woman slowly makes her way though town but don't ask where to go.

"U-um excuse me?" Something feels wrong

"Yes darling?" The woman who's name is Lena smiles sweetly

"When are we stopping?..." I say and rub my eyes, it so hard to not fall asleep

"Soon darling, soon" she makes a turn and gets on a road that leads either out of towns or the airport

Neither of those options were to my liking.

I stay in my position until I notice an opportunity, a stop sign that will surely make her slow down

The closer we get the slower the car goes

I gather all of my energy and release myself from my seatbelt, grab and open the door And flop out of the car

"Help!" I scream at the top of my lungs, people passing by stop and stare at me, a man rushes towards me

Lena tries to convince him I'm ill and out of my mind but people already called the police. I feel how my body is being lifted, how I'm being held by someone much larger then me. but shortly, after hearing sirens, I pass out.


Sorry It took so long!

Merry Christmas and happy New years to everyone! 

Thank you for reading this far :3

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