Chapter 27

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~Yuri's point of view

My phone rings and wakes me up from a deep sleep, I slept in after looking for y/n all night. I answer the phone.

"Yes? Yuri is speaking" I got the habit to answer my phone this way now, I sit up in y/n's bed.

"yuri plisetsky? Please come to the police station right away" says a feminine voice

"You've got news??" I jump up and put my shoes on

"we found her" says the woman, I drop my phone and run out of the apartment, Sprint to the street and take a cab to the police station, I almost forget to pay the driver and end up throwing few bills on the passengers seat.

I hurry inside but can't see her anywhere,

"Yuri plisetsky?" Asks one of the officers

"Yes! Where is she?!" I yell

"At the hospital" she says, I leave right away with the worst on my mind, what if she's hurt? What if they did something to her?

I get to y/n as fast as I can trying to get the bad thoughts out of my head but I just make the worst...

I get to the hospital and a nurse shows me to y/n's room, I take a deep breath and open the door. The first thing I see is her naked back then a nurse that was washing her with a sponge and some water yelling at me to get out, I close the door blushing but I smile widely 'she's alive right there behind that door'

After 10 minuts or so the nurse in y/ns  room walks out with the pochekt of water and sponge letting me in, y/n Is not dressed up with her cheeks slightly pink

"H-hi Yuri" she mumbles, I sit beside her and hug her tight

"I'm so glad you're okay" I say and hold her close to me, she wraps her arms around me

"I missed you..." I can her by her voice that she's tired

"I missed you too, so much" I can't stop the tears from rolling fown my cheeks, she kisses me and takes my hand

"Take me home..." she says looking at my hand, her grip is so weak and she got thinner,

"As soon as possible I promise" I lock fingers with hers

A doctor comes in to give y/n a check up and tells me to leave and come back tomorrow, I hurry to y/ns grandma and tell her all that happened and she hugs me crying.
We both go visit y/n the next day bringing her snacks.

Apparently last night y/n had a visit from the police and they questioned her about what happened, hours after that the criminals where captured and put in jail.

~time skip
(Few days after)

Y/n recovered and was able to leave the hospital, finally, we both pack and go back to the house that was standing empty all this time,

"Dusty" says y/n

"I should have asked someone to look after this place" grandpa will not approve if he saw this

We clean up and cooks dinner together, I can't stop smiling from the moment I sad y/n at the hospital. Y/n says she likes seeing my smile so often now.

"Yuri plisetsky come here right now!" Y/n spreads her arms, I hurry to her and hug her tight

"Gud" she smiles and hugs back tight

"How long are you going to summon me like that?" I ask

"Forever" she whispers and we both giggle.

"did you get taller?" She suddenly asks

"Huh?" I kinda lost hope on that, I hate to admit but I believe ill stay this short for life

"Lets go check!" She runs of and gets a meter

"Oi you can't be serious" I put a hand in my hip

"Yeah I am now get you butt here" she measures my hight, her focused face is so cute, I smirk

"You got taller by 4 cm!" She jumps up and down excited for me

"Eh?? Where, show me!" I turn around to look, she's right I did grow!

"Magic" she giggles

"I'm pretty sure it's called puberty" I say

"Details details" she skips away,

"y/n, I wanna kiss" I follow her

"Did you deserve it?" She gruns at me

"Don't annoy me!" I pout, she walks up to me and kisses my cheek

"Hey..." I puff my cheeks, and she sticks her tongue out.

~Your point of view

I'm home with yuri and we laugh and joke together again, all thise little things I thought I'd never have again make me so happy now.

I take Yuris hand and kiss him for real we can't get off each other now, always touvhing holing hands and kissing. I over reacted when I left like that to my grandma, everyone makes mistakes and u have to be strong enough to forgive

And tonight when everything happened I told Yuri I love him and it felt like it was the first time those words came out, this boy may not be perfect, hotheaded and sometimes rough towards me but he makes me happy and I'll never risk losing him again

The end


I should not be allowed to write anymore
It took me a whole year to finish one short chapter what is wrong with me

I want to apologise to everyone who I disappoint with this fan fiction

And thank all the ones that kept reading and supporting me

Thank you for reading all of this nonsense :3

(The song is by Hirakawa Daisuke my favorite voice actor and I think it suits this chapter with its mood)

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