Chapter 20

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My heart sinks as the longer I stare at the picture, this can't be...

"Y-yuri?" I walk to the edge of the skating rink

"Yes?" He stops and skates up to me, I look down at the screen of my phone again.

"Y/n?" He puts his hand on mine, I move it away and show him the picture, his face turns as white as a sheet of paper.
Yuri looks down and neither of us says anything.

"Y/n I-"

"Yuri you could have told me..." I say quietly, I don't know what to think

"But I-" he tries again but seeing my tears makes him stop

"I'm going home to Moscow" I mumbles and pick up my bag

"Y-y/n!" He follows me

"Let me explain!" He says, all of this feels like a movie

"There is really nothing you can add is there?..." I say

"You were cheating on me with Otabek..." I add and he looks down again, knowing he feels bad makes it a bit less painful

"Y/n I love you"
Hearing him saying that makes me want to slap him, but my hand won't move.
I can't.

Instead I tighten my grip of my bag and run off.

"Y/n!" He chases me to the bus stop, I was lucky enough to have the bus arrive just in time and I get on it before Yuri catches up.

I turn back when the bus starts moving, Yuri stops and watches the bus leave panting.
His big green eyes open wide not believing what happened.

I hurry home to gather some of my things and was ready to leave when I hear the entrance door open.
I close my suitcase and drag it down the hall

"Y/n..." It was Yuri, I keep walking.
I know that if I stop now I won't be able to leave.

"I don't want to talk" I say

"Y/n you're my girlfriend and I-" he begins

"I don't want to be her then" I stop, my back still facing him


"... Goodbye" I say shortly and leave.

~few hours later you arrive at your parents home, your parents are on a business trip and your grandmother is the only one with you

"(Nickname)!" Grandma hugs me when I walk in, I didn't see her for a year now

"Hello babushka" I say and hug back

"You grew up since last time" she smiles and i gigle weakly

"Lies" I say and walk towards the car with her.

We arrive and I go to my room, it's surprisingly clean I bet my mom was cleaning it while I was away
No dust at all

I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling which is covered in glow in the dark star shaped stickers from when I was a little, I smile sadly thinking how simple everything was back then...

"N/n! Come and eat!" My grandma shouts from the kitchen

"I'm not hungry!" I yell back

"What?? But you need to eat you're so thin!"

"That's how ice skaters supposed to look babushka!" I say and she quiets down, soon I fall asleep dream go about my first date with Yuri...
I wake up crying.
'why did it have to turn out like this...' I think and hug my panda, the one otabek bought for me in Barcelona.
That though makes me cry even more.

"Yuri..." I mumbles, I want to be hugged I want to have him beside me and never see him ever again

~yuris point of view

'What have I done!?' I punch the wall beside me, I'm an idiot...
I sits down trying to figure what to do now, I can't go after her she'll just push me away again... Should I give her time?
I jump when my phone suddenly rings and vibrates in my pocket

"What!?" I yell

"Don't yell at me you cheater"


"Where is y/n? She won't answer my calls" she sound mad

"She broke up with me and left home..." I say quietly

"Serves you right" she says

"There was nothing going on!!" I say, it was just one kiss! And I didnt even enjo- ... Okay maybe just a little

"So you call that picture nothing"

"No... You're right I'm sorry..." I still love y/n... My hear is breaking from what I did

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to..." She say quietly

"Liza you know her longer then I do... Do you think she'll forgive me?" I ask

"She's too soft... I'm almost sure she will... Do the take that as an advantage!!"

"I won't who are you taking me f- never mind"

"Bye" she hangs up on me.

Right after she hangs up otabek calls, I hesitate but decide to answer after all

"H-hi" I say not able to control my voice

"Hey Yuri..." Sounds like he saw the picture

"D-do... How are you" this is awkward...

"Good" he says shortly

"Yuri I want to talk to you about what happene

"What happened" I try to act like I don't remember

"Don't give me that"

"Otabek i don't want to talk about that..."

"Please" he's begging??

"N-no" I barely say

"Yuri I l-" he begins

"Otabek!!" I yell, I don't want to hear it

"I love you" he says and I freeze looking down, I can't deny it any longer...

"Yuri?" He says after a long silence

"Otabek... " I sob

"Y-yuri don't cry..." He's voice is calming

"What are you doing to me..." I mumble and put my hand on my forehead

"I'm sorry..." He apologizes and I know he's about to hang u

"O-otabek wait" I say holding my phone so tight my knuckles turn white.


"I want to try" I say

"Are you serious?" He asks surprised

"Y-yeah" I say quietly, what am I saying...

"It makes me happy" he says, I can hear that by his voice.

"I'll be waiting for you to come visit" I say and feel my cheeks heat up a bit, a part of me feels so disgusting  while the other part is excited.

"Good news that Yuri" he says

"G-good night" I hang up and lean back, what kind of person does that make me...


For the confused people who don't know what is happening:

I don't know what I'm doing either I just needed the drama ^^'

Thank you for reading this chapter :3

Love on ice yuri plisetsky x readerWhere stories live. Discover now