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Kat:Hey hey hey it's just a note but it's worth reading! Victor is going to answer some questions

Victor:Alright~ Ask away Kitty!!

Kat: Ok so the first on is Who's the cuddler in the Yuutoria ship?

Victor:Yuuri for sure

Kat: Who makes the bed?

Victor:Well that's a hard one. Yuuri makes it on the weekends and Victoria makes it on the weekdays

Kat: Who wakes up first?

Victor:Victoria wakes up first on the weekend and Yuuri wakes up first on the week days.

Kat: who has a weird taste in music?

Victor: Victoria

Kat:who's more protective?

Victor: Yuuri, once he punched someone because the touched Tori's butt.

Kat: Alrighty then! On with the question! Who sings in the shower?

Victor:Tori will.

Kat: Who cries during movies

Victor: Yuuri he's a marshmallow

Kat: Haha, who spends the most while shopping?

Victor: do I honestly need to answer this? It's obvious Victoria, she has to buy like Victoria Secret brand under wear she also buys other stuff.

Kat: Well that was kinda expected. Who kisses more roughly?

Victor: Well...I can't answer that lemme call Tori.

Tori: What Victor?

Victor: Kat wants to know who kisses more roughly between you and Yuuri!

Tori: Me

Kat: thanks Tori!!

Tori: Welcome

Kat: Who's more dominant?

Victor: Idk

Yuuri: I'm the dominant one~

Tori: You wish

Yuuri: sureeeeeee

Tori: wanna go!?

Kat: Victor what in your opinion what is this ship?

Victor: 8 1/2

Kat: Thanks Victor! Tori and Yuuri for making the last few questions funny!

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