14 ||Louis

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Imagine :

It was your and Louis' first year anniversary. You'd been dating for exactly a year now, and Louis was taking you out to celebrate.

"Can I remove the blindfold now?" you ask, your fingers fumbling with the thin fabric of the blindfold that Louis had tied around your eyes. Louis notices this and quickly grabs your hand before you can further undo it.

"Patience, love." he chuckles, and tightens the blindfold.

Easy for you to say, you're not the one with a huge blindfold glued to his eyes.

"How long?" you ask again.

"Babe, just wait for five more minutes," he says.

"Just give me a hint!" you whine, your voice laced with impatience.

"Nope!" he replies, and you just know he's smirking.

"I hate you," you huff, folding your arms.

"You know you don't," Louis smiles, though you can't see him do so, obviously.

"Yes, I do." You snap.

"I know you love me," he murmurs. "And you know it too."

"Do I?" you ask, not enjoying this.

"Yep" And just a second later, you feel his soft lips on yours. "Now do you know?" he mumbles, his lips pressed against yours.

"No, but what I do know is that if you don't keep your eyes on the road we'll both end up dying today and I do not want that to happen," you say, laughing.

Louis huffs and turns back to face the road, or so you hope.

About fifteen minutes later, (Louis had clearly lied about the five minutes part), you finally reach wherever Louis was taking you. You feel his nimble fingers take your blindfold off and you open your eyes quickly.

"Shit!" you scream, and try to cover your eyes but accidentally smack Louis in the chest, causing him to topple and land on his bum on the soft white sand of the beach you were both in. The sun's glare was so intense, and since you'd gotten used to the darkness of the blindfold, your eyes kept watering.

"Oh my God, Lou. I'm so so sorry!" you say, helping him up.

"S'okay," he mutters, rubbing his chest. "Is this payback for the blindfold being too tight? "

"NOO! I'm so sorry," you whisper, but you're actually this close to laughing.

"I said, it's okay," he replies, and taking your hand in his, you and him walk on the beach. The sea is a dazzling blue, and there's a very light summer breeze, making it the perfect day for an outing.

You snuggle into Louis' chest. "This is amazing, Louis. Thank you so much!" you say, kissing him.

"You're welcome. Do you wanna go nearer to the water now?" he asks, kissing you back.

"Yeah!" you nod enthusiastically.

Louis laughs at your enthusiasm and clutches your hand, then pulls your nearer to the water. The two of you push your feet in the water, and watch the sun set. Its truly beautiful.

"Isn't this gorgeous?" Louis whispers.

"Definitely. But I know something that's even more so," you reply, brushing your thumb on his cheek.

"Yeah?" he mumbles, his cheeks flushed scarlet like a lovesick teenager. You're dying inside at how cute he is.

"Yeah. You," you say. You lean into kiss him, but just at that moment, Louis let's out an agonizing shriek and falls into the water.

"Louis!" you scream, and dive in after him. But you're too late. A huge white shark is already swimming across the ocean with him pressed between its huge jaws.

"Louis..." you whisper, your eyes clouding with tears. How could a perfect day end in such a disastrous way?

You slowly swim out of the sea, but a jellyfish appears out of nowhere and stings you to death.

As you die, you think of Louis. Thank god the two of you at least died together. You truly were soulmates; not a lot of couples were lucky to die together.

"Happy new year, Louis." You whisper, as the jellyfish stings you again and again.


This by far the most unrealistic imagine because you aren't likely to be eaten by a shark this near the water. But, who knows?

This was supposed to be published on New Years but you guys wanted a Harry part 2.

ANYWAY, HAPPY NEW YEAR. So glad that 2016 is dead just like y/n and Louis in this, I'm so happy to say goodbye to such a disastrous year. Have a great 2k17 and I hope you all enjoy it immensely. Love you all soooo much and thanks for the constant support you've given us throughout.

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