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Masamune Date.

I starred at Oshu from the high cliff I was sitting. The elders of Oshu were just so hard on me! I never did anything to them but they still pestered me.
I closed my eyes as a slight breeze blew past.
I worked for Masamune or as everyone else calls him ‘The One Eyed Dragon Of Oshu’. Being the only girl in the Date army or in Oshu for that fact that Masamune ever payed attention to, the elders told me they were planning to get us married.
Oh yeah you know what the best part is?
They never asked us for OUR opinion even though I think thats the most important thing. But hey do they care? NO!
“You seem grumpy... is it your time of the month again-“ The man next to you was cut of as he was punched in the face by an unsuspecting (y/n). What was she unexpecting? Masamune to be right THERE!
“OW! What the hell was that for?” He said as he held his face were you had hit him. You were blushing at the fact he had been so close.
“You should know better then to sneak up on a woman when shes day dreaming!”
“Oh?” He stopped giving you a playful glare when a smirk appeared on his face.” Were you day dreaming about me?”
“the last thing on this earth I would be dreaming about would be you!” You shot back. You were desperate to keep the fact, that you had been thinking about him, hidden. You were day dreaming about what it would be like if the two of you were married.
“Then what were you day dreaming about?”You turned your attention back to the breathtaking view of Oshu, hugging your knees, you answered his question.
“1. Its none of your business and 2.Why do you care?”
“Its impolite to answer someones question with another question” He too, turned his gaze towards the view of Oshu.
“pfft. What would you know about manners?”
“I might not have the manners of a royal dumbass but I was brought up by royalty” You laughed as he said as he lay back in the grass. You quietly laughed at him. He always made you laugh.
Another thing to love about him.
“even if wasn’t my choice” You looked back at him questionably and he looked right back with some emotion in his eyes that you couldn’t quite pin point. You starred at him for a while until you noticed you had been starring at him for so long and looked away slightly blushing. He closed his eyes and smirked.
“The old hags have been bothering you too haven’t they?”
“”Too”?What do you mean?” He looked in the opposite direction.
“ About marriage” You looked away as well, fearing he might have seen your blush. Suddenly he was right in front of you.
“what do you think your-“
“Lets be serious for a minute ok?” he took both his hands in yours. “They talked to me about marriage with you. Now I need to ask you a question. What do you-...” He seemed quite nervous. This wasn’t like Masamune at all.” How do you feel about me”
You were about to get up laugh it off and all but he seemed serious and then something came across your mind.
What if you told Masamune how you felt now? If he didn’t feel the same way well you always had other options. So thats what you decided.
“I- I love you Masamune” A look of ultimate shock appeared on his face.
You stood up to walk away but halfway there were pulled down on top of him.
Masamune smiled at you just before your lips collided.
“Love you too” He said as he smirked and winked at you.  

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