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Motonari Mori.

You fell to the ground. Motochika had beaten you. but you didn't care. ending your life was a good thing you didn't like this life... not one bit.

Your family were good friends with the Mori. Soon the your parents fell into bankruptcy but the Mori offered. in exchange for their daughter to marry there son. you were forced to marry Motonari. a man you felt nothing for. he was cruel. with this however you chose not to show any emotion. you could never be happy with this man... never.

Motonari had put you in-charge of watching over his ship he had taken from Motochika( I know this is completely changing the story line but oh well) and it had appeared Motochika was still alive. And he had come to take back his ship back. barely even trying to keep the ship you practically just gave up.

You couldent win against Motochika.  

You didn't care what Motonari did 

You didn't care if he would break your marriage and put your family back into bankruptcy. 

What would it matter if you were dead?

You were his enemies wife. You expected nothing less but for Motochika to kill you. You were almost happy about it. But for some reason Motonari had other plans. Just as Motochika was about to end this terrible life of yours Motonari had swept in and saved your life. 

While the two sparred you pondered the thought still sitting delicately on the ships floor.  

"Motonari... he saved my life...... why?" you couldn't get the thought out of your head.

A few of the Mori armies men rushed over to help you up. But in the background you heared something unbelievable. 

"Isn't she nothing more then one of your 'sacrificial pawns'?"

"Yes however... she is a pawn I can not afford to lose"

For once in the time you were married with Motonari you finally showed emotion. It was an emotion of shock. You couldn't believe it. Did Motonari actually care for you?

After a while Motonari had defeated Motochika. Him and is men were forced to flee. Motonari walked up to you. However you kept your head down avoiding contact with the terribly cruel general.

"What were you doing? I left you here so you could guard the ship not to let a worthless pirate effortlessly take your life like that. What were you thinking?" You would have left it all alone and walked away. But  you were a girl that would never walk away from manners. It was common courtesy to answer when someone spoke to you. As much as you didn't want to you had to answer him but didn't get the chance. You opened your mouth to say something but stoped dead in your tracks. You passed out on the spot. You had wasted to much energy fighting Motochika and the nights you stayed awake to keep watch. You fell into a deep sleep.

You opened your eyes. Feeling completely beaten down. Blinking a few times you turned your head to see Motonari starring at you with a  bit of a glare. But there was something else. You couldn't put your finger on it but something else was showing on Motonaris face. He got up to move but you stopped him.

"Why did you save my life?"

"Your my wife. Why wouldn't I sa-" 

"You could have left me." He starred at you with the slightest shock." You and I both would be happy if I just di-"

"No. ...... I wouldn't"

"What are you talking abo-"

"(f/n)... you don't love me do you..." His words came out slow. Almost as if he cared about what your answer was.

"Like it would matter. Im but a sacrificial pawn aren't I" He gave you some sort of look a look that told you...... no.

"Your nothing like a sacrificial pawn. Your my wife and I love you. Nothing can change that. I wont let you throw away your life like that again. I might not show it but I love you. I really do."

You couldn't believe what you heard. But you were happy. Finally happy.

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