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I'm Emily, I live in Michigan and I have eight older brothers!

My dad died when I was young people don't talk about him very much to me which I understand but it seems a bit suspicious how he died. Almost as if no one knows even though I was always told it was a heart attack.

My mum committed suicide 2 years later also adding suspicion to the circumstances. This crushed me, my heart broke so early in my life that it was hard to put it back together again.   My brothers glued it back together piece by piece, which I'm telling you took a lot of effort and people like to chip away at it every day and one day I know it's going to give out...

Anyway I am supported tremendously by my brothers and they are my world and the only reason for living. My life at school isn't great, I get bullied..a lot, it's getting so bad that I don't know what to do anymore! I can't tell my brothers they would go crazy!

Emily: 17 years old, She has black curly hair, green eyes and olive skin. She plays soccer and does cheerleading. She's selfless even though she's treated as if she is worthless by pretty much everybody the only light in her darkness is her brothers. She adores them and they do her. Watch Emily grow over the chapters and fill her personality put and defy people who treat her to be less than she's worth.

Christopher ( Chris): 26 years old. He has blonde hair and blue eyes and plays football and basketball. Very overprotective of Emily and is the mature one in the family. Even though he seems like a boring Dad replacement, Chris had to step up to take care of his 8 younger siblings which is no easy task on a good day let alone when you struggle with bills however there is a twist in Chris, over time the bill struggle becomes less and less until they are comfortable *the rich way of saying rich :)* how does this happen you might think well that you will have to read to find out.

Carson: 23 years old Cole's twin is 7 minutes younger than Cole. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He plays soccer and ice hockey. Very overprotective of Emily and has a big soft spot for her. He has a special connection with Emily whether it's due to him being one of the second oldest giving him responsibilities in the same way as Chris but not as extreme either way it's adorable to watch the two interact and the fierce protective Carson shows towards Em.

Cole: Cole is the same age as Carson since they are identical but he plays football and does athletics. He loves to annoy Emily but can go from fun to very intimidating when it comes to his sister. He also loves the fact he's 7 minutes older. Cole is more serious he feels the need to be more involved in the care that Chris takes on which suits him well I guess you could call him Chris' second in command but this doesn't mean he can't be just as childish as the rest of them. His playful side is mostly on show at home but doesn't worry the serious side of Cole is something you need to see well maybe more observe, let's just say you wouldn't want it to be directed towards you.

Cam: 22 years old replica of Emily except his hair is straight. As you may have guessed all of her brothers are sporty but Cam is into athletics and soccer. He does let his anger get the best of him sometimes, you could call him a hothead he thinks with his fists and doesn't use his brain to determine the consequences, however, he only does this when the consequence is worth it, he has the drive to protect his family meaning he's a big softy at heart.

Carter: 19 years old, he has brown hair and blue eyes love to play football and just works out in the gym. Ready to scare any boy within 5 feet of Emily. The most protective. He's very in touch with Emily's emotions, he can calm her down like no one else which is helpful when panic attacks start to arise in certain situations. Unlike some of his brothers, he has a much more calm demeanour allowing him to appear gentle when others are in a state of distress. But that does not mean he won't punch someone's lights out if necessary.

Christian ( Christy) & Cody: 20 years old and these two boys are the pranksters of the family. Always the ones to start the prank wars. Both have black hair, Christian has green eyes and Cody has brown eyes. Both play football and basketball. Unlike the other twins, these two are fraternal but their bond is tighter than ever, they live for fun and make people laugh and mess around. The rest of the family relishes it really but at the time they could kill them. They both love their family, especially their little sister. She knows that even though she is their favourite to mess with they would take a bullet for her. They all would in fact. (Carter is 10 months older so briefly the same age)

Last of all, Caleb: 18 years old, probably has the closest bond with Emily since he's the youngest boy. Again he plays football and ice hockey! Caleb is the one Emily tells everything to, at school he is the first one she would go to if she ever needed anything. She trusts him with her everything and in return, he does the same. He would never leave Emily in the dark which can backfire on him sometimes but he never spills anything too big. Being the second youngest he also can be left out of some family 'activities' although not as much as Em who is constantly left in the dark about almost everything savoury that goes on in the house.

Hey guys this is my first ever book I will try to keep the a/n to a minimum because I know they annoy me I'm in year nine so I won't have loads of time to write. Tori x

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