Chapter 2

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There, sitting on the sofa in front of me was a concerned but very mad-looking Chris. I then remembered the big purple bruise on my face from where Olivia kicked me. So that's why most of my brothers had their fists clenched all the way home. Had a bit of a blonde moment there. I knew my secret was out, there was nothing I could do at this point as I know they had an idea something was wrong. That I was hiding something.

I'm sort of scared to tell him now to be honest, what if he shouts at me or hits me or even worse leaves me. Maybe what Dan said was true maybe no one did care. Ugh I can't let him get in my head, it's just so hard not too. They probably do think I am worthless piece of space who shouldn't even be breathing their air! Should I even be breathing at all?

At this point, I was hyperventilating and about to have a panic attack. I could feel the darkness closing in on me, so I called out to Carter who jumped out of his thoughts and to my side. I called him because he was the only one who knew how to actually handle his situation correctly without hurting, scaring or overwhelming me. We have always grown up with this special bond. I think it was due to a couple of years age gapeven though we are all close in age there was something special about me and Carter.

Carter's PoV

I heard a small voice call my name jumping up from my thoughts. Knowing exactly what was about to happen I shouted at everyone to move back, I made Em jump a little from the sound of my booming voice. Which I regretted instantly doing because you have to deal with these things very carefully and of course, since my little sister was having a panic attack!

Rushing forward I took her right hand like I did when she was little and put it over my heart telling her to breathe deeply and to try and relax, having her concentrate on my heartbeat.

Em's PoV

I was starting to calm down again, luckily the anger had gone from Chris' eyes and all that was left was concern. Recovering I took my seat on the sofa opposite Carter's lap waiting for Chris to speak when he did all he said was...


I guess I was wrong about the anger dissipating.

Which really scared me at the time but I moved from Carter's lap and just stood there looking at the floor with a pained expression. Until I finally started to speak. " Well the reason I erm left a lesson was that I... I uh might be being um bullied ." I managed to murmur.

All of my brothers' expressions turned from calm to raging mad . "WHAT!!WHO??" They all shouted at the same time. They must have noticed my flinch because their faces went soft then Carter came over picked me up and growled: " Baby girl whoever has done this to you they will pay, your brothers and I will make sure of it!"

I knew what they were waiting to hear so I started to explain everything.

" So it started a couple of months ago Britney, the one in Caleb's year has been bullying me along with Olivia and Alice who are both Senior's as well. There is also Britney's boyfriend , Dan Whitmore, he spreads rumours about me and sometimes abuses me when Britney thinks I need more than what has already been done..." I trailed off because I showed my brothers the bruises on my body from it Caleb had his phone so he took pictures.

" And today Dan said and I quote - my voice faltered, "Bitch why don't you fucking go and kill yourself? No one cares about you anyway your brothers don't and your parents definitely didn't, I mean your dad died them your mum killed herself to get away from you."

And then I ran to Caleb's classroom but I couldn't make it all the way and I tripped and just lay crying on the floor so by the time I got to his classroom it had been twenty minutes since I had left my own" another tear trickled down my face as all my brothers' faces were bright red and seething. You could feel the anger radiating off them.

"Honey, we're so sorry we weren't there for you, I mean why didn't you tell us...anyway it doesn't matter I mean we are so going to beat the SHIT out of Dan and the girls but we are also going to talk to the principal and hopefully get them expelled " they muttered.

This made me giggle because I loved it when they all went into sync and said things at the same time it just made me smile it reminded me of how close we all were, I could be broken beyond repair and would still smile at that.

"It's ok I love you guys so much!!❤️❤️❤️"

"We love you too baby."

Everyone's PoV

The next day we all went to principal Harding's office to have a meeting. Chris was the first to speak again being the oldest. " Mrs Harding I do apologise to my brothers and sister for leaving school yesterday but I have quite a serious matter that I would like to be resolved by Friday!"

We are all looking at him, with faces of agreement. Just waiting to see her reaction.

"Okay Mr Miller well this was a very serious case of truancy and disruption so I will have to see the reasoning behind this is valid. In terms of your issue I'll see what I can do for you?"

Chris PoV

"Well, you see Emily here came running out of class yesterday crying her eyes out after being verbally assaulted, put down and hurt by some of your students called Brittany, Dan, Alice. One other side matter about that, your staff didn't even make any effort whatsoever to ask what was wrong or if she was ok and I find that absolutely disgraceful!

Anyway, I will come back to that later what I was going to say is she ran to Caleb's class since he was in the east school building for English yesterday. Which was lucky but when she got there she just dropped down to the floor crying!

When Caleb was getting up Miss Taylor asked Emily what she was doing in her classroom and to get out for being so rude and disrespectful. What kind of response is that Mrs Harding?! Unsurprisingly, Caleb talked back at his teacher for talking to our baby sister like that and then ran over to help. Once he was out of the classroom he called the rest of our brothers and they all met up outside and came home and that is why the my siblings left school early."

"Mr Miller I understand your concern but I'm afraid this was a one time encounter therefore I can't class it as bullying."

"Oh, how silly of me to forget to mention that earlier that day she was taken to the girls' toilets to be punched in the stomach slapped and kicked repeatedly before being kicked in the face knocking her out, this meant Emily missed her first two classes since she was unconscious in the bathroom." The sarcasm was dripping from that first sentence.

"Do you actually have any proof of these allegations?" The principal asked in a monotoned way

"Yes we do, Caleb may I borrow your phone? Honey, just pull your shirt up and use this to wipe that concealer off your face."

"Oh good lord that is bright purple!! Don't worry Mr Miller, I will have this sorted by first thing tomorrow morning and all four of them will be expelled." Replied the principal.

Huh look at her change of tune, she could smell the court case I bet.

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