Chapter 5

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Since hate alcohol I'm going to stay clear of that, as I bent over to get something out of the fridge, I felt someone grab my ass gasping I stumbled back right into a guy that reeked of alcohol. "hey sexy want to get it on upstairs I think I have something you will enjoy," "N-no I err just want to stay down here with my drink if that is ok.".

You bitch do you know who I am? I am the hottest person in the school and I know your brother I also despise him how about we take this upstairs and hurt him through you, and I'm going to have you whether you like it or not babe."

Grabbing my wrist he dragged me upstairs whimpering I tried to pull away but it was no use he was just too strong for me. He started to unzip my dress I was screaming and shouting for help but no one could hear me the music was too loud. I kept struggling and by now I was completely naked and had lost all my strength.

He started to unbutton his jeans and pulled down his boxers. I had adrenaline pumping through my veins and I kept fighting it and screaming but I was becoming quieter and quieter. just when I was about to give up, I felt him being pulled off of me.

I saw Eli pounding on the guy he passed out but that didn't stop Caleb he kicked and punched the guy until he was nearly dead.

Eli ran over to me and just cradled me in his arms until I was calm, I could genuinely care less whether I was naked or not I was nearly raped wait I was Nearly...raped I can't do this anymore I have taken too much pain my life is just getting worse it is always me. What does everyone have against me?

"Are you okay baby girl?" Eli asked, his eyes full of concern.

" I love you, Eli!"

"Aw baby I love you too!!"

Caleb's PoVMy best friend Eli came over to me when I was dancing, and told me to follow him. I was confused at first but I heard the seriousness in his voice.

So I followed him upstairs and, on the way, he started to tell me how he found Em in a room with the guy I hate most of all trying to rape my baby I was fuming I ran upstairs and since this was my best friend's house I know where everything is.

I walk into the room to see my sister asleep in Eli's bed tossing and turning whilst crying in her sleep. Noticing she was undressed in the sheets I put on my leather jacket on top of her so she could put it on once she woke up. I could care less that Eli saw her naked because I know she thinks of him as an older brother I am also positive that the feeling is mutual.

I asked Eli where this guy was and he said he was in the guest room but I was out of that room before he could even finish.

Eli's PoVBefore I could even finish Caleb sprinted out of the room to probably beat the pulp out of that guy. so taking control of the situation I went over to Em and decided she would be better off at home so I grabbed her from my bed and got my spare keys to Caleb's car.

I lay her in the backseat and texted Caleb to hurry up so we can get her home. Also, I texted my older brother Blake and told him what happened, since he is Christian's best friend meaning he is really close with Em as well he said he would shut the party down and be right over to her house.

When we got to the front door, I was scared to explain this to 7 angry brothers.

When I walked through the door with Em in my arms I could feel all eyes on me with cold hard glares waiting for an explanation. "Go on then what are you waiting for? Tell us what the fuck happened." Chris seethed.

" Right well I was holding a gathering and had invited Caleb and Em...and I assumed Emily wasn't going to come but she looked upset so I decided to invite her anyway. I was going upstairs to lock my parent's bedroom so no one decided to fuck in it cos they would go crazy, and as I got to the landing, I heard some screams assuming it was from one of my mates and just went to lock my parent's room slightly disgusted by the noise. anyway, after I had locked it the screams came again but this time someone was screaming for help so I bolted to the spare room to find some pervert trying to rape Emily. I saw red I fucking pounded the guy till he passed out. grabbed Em and rushed to find Caleb after I had put her on my bed, I told him and he lost his shit he raced up the stairs into the spare room and nearly killed the guy. then I called Blake to shut it all down and he said he would be here ASAP."

I literally was shouting at the end I was so angry about what happened and I could tell by the looks on everyone else's faces they were pretty annoyed as well.

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