Chapter 6

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Blake's PoV

I was round at Joe's house and we were chilling and talking about this girl he was going on a date with, who was quite fit to be fair! I was a little jealous. Anyway when I was just about to go grab us a beer when I got a text from Eli.

Not really paying attention I skimmed over the text saying that Em was nearly raped... Hold up raped which mother fucker tried to rape my baby sis? That fucking got my attention, I texted back Eli and told him I would shut down his party and that I would be over to Em's as soon as I possibly could.

I mean Christian is my best friend so I have a spare key so it's not like I will barge in on their family moment, ever since our parents moved away their guys have been like a second family to me and Eli. But I still couldn't get my head around it why can someone be so sick as to want to rape a Small innocent girl. I got so angry thinking about it I literally slammed the fridge door shut and ran out of the kitchen past Joe.

I sprinted to my car yelling over my shoulder to Joe that I was going home and would text him later to see how his date went which he was fine with since he had to get ready anyway. I sped to my house and burst through the front door and yelled 'everybody out. To my surprise. no one put up too much of a fight just some mumbling and groaning, once I had locked up, I went over to Em's, my knuckles were turning white around the steering wheel. I was so Frustrated!I walked in to be shocked by a giant pile of boys on one small, bruised baby Emily.

I was so angry when I saw the state Em was in and was ready to pound this guy whoever it was to smithereens. They better not hope they are much weaker than me because I will murder, them for this; touch me fine, but touch my family you had better run!

Emily POV

I woke up and remembered what happened I just burst into floods of tears not knowing what to do. I slumped into a pile a cried and cried. After about half an hour I decided it was time to face everyone so I crept downstairs not really knowing what to expect.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Caleb on the sofa so I just ran to him with tears streaming down my face while he grabbed me and whispered sweet things in my ear telling me how I was safe, that no one would ever touch me like that again and that he and my brothers will make sure of it. Even if it was the last thing they ever do.

I hugged him, so happy to be safe and in the security of my brother's arms. He shouted to everyone that I had finally come downstairs and that they could come to see me. Everyone rushed in and practically jumped on us which then squished me, yeah thanks for that. I was so happy right now you can't even imagine I don't think I can ever feel safer than when I am with my brothers...


I pleaded with the boys to see if we could get a papa John for dinner and maybe rent a movie. they said yes, and I was so happy I literally ordered my favourite 10 large margaritas, 4 chicken poppers, 4 jalapeño cheesie bites and 3 tubs of Ben and jerries' peanut butter cup ice cream. what can I say we are a big family and we do have two other guys over.

We decided to watch The Conjuring 2 and by we, I mean they since I don't like horror films. But it's fine because it is supposed to have a really good storyline. The pizza arrived and my stomach rumbled so loudly that everyone laughed and it was so embarrassing.

I ate 7 slices of pizza which is a lot even for a boy but never mind a girl has gotta eat. They were so mean, apparently, they had seen the film before which meant that they knew when the jump scares were so every time one was going to come up, they lightly kicked me which made me jump and then I would jump again from the film, how rude.

I didn't really see much of the film, in the end, I couldn't bear to watch anymore, so I just clung to Caleb like a Koala but that only made me fall asleep faster oh well I am so exhausted that my body is aching.

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