Chapter 1

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If there is no PoV just assume it is Emily's anyone else I will write.

*beep beep beep*

Em's PoV

Ugh, I just realised it's Monday. Great time to go back to being bullied as usual. At school there are the main popular people that make my life miserable: Dan ( Britney's boyfriend ), Britney and her minions Alice and Olivia.

I put on my usual high wasted jeans with a long-sleeved hoodie to hide my body. They love making comments on my body, it makes me feel so self conscious and disgusting; which hurts as I used to like my body and my figure but now all I feel is disgust when I look in the mirror. For my make-up, I just do a light layer of sheer foundation and some clear mascara. I put my hair in a high ponytail and I was ready to go. Now I was just waiting on my brothers as per usual.

I heard my door creak open.

"Caleb" I squealed,

I heard a familiar chuckle before being enfolded in my eighteen-year-old brother's arms.

"Hey Bub , how was your sleep?" he whispered.

My heart dropped as I remembered what she said about how my brothers only pretended to care.

She repeatedly tells me "I'm an ugly bitch, who should just kill herself." To only make fun of me for crying like the baby I am because my brothers would be better off without me.

"G-good thank you, Caleb."

I heard my voice crack before dropping my eyes to the floor wishing I could tell him about Britney and the others.

" Hey Em, what's wrong?" I can't stand to lie to my brothers', they are always so caring towards me and it breaks my heart. They can't know, it will show them how weak I am. I dread it when they ask me this question.

Caleb's Pov

Something is wrong.

My baby sister has been like this for a while but won't tell us anything.

I knew she didn't want to answer my question so I left it knowing that if my sister needed help she would come to me and our brother's or just eventually tell us when she was ready.

Em's PoV

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding and made my way to be greeted by my other brothers. It was time for school and the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy, I don't think I'm ready for this again.

I guess sometimes school is okay as I do have some friends but I know that they only use me to get to my brothers since they used to be the most popular guys in the school and everyone knew who they were. The majority have graduated now but the girls still know who they are and want to get in their pants through me. Which personally I thing is gross but whatever, it just feel so fake their friendships but what else do I have?

I get in the car and feel my nerves worsening. This is a daily thing that occurs, I hate the anxiety I feel. It starts to bubble up my throat until I feel like I can't breathe.

When we get to school I'm reluctant to get out of the car but I know that I have to. I am too much of a too much of a goody too shoes to be late and I can't raise any suspicions amongst my brothers for why I don't want to go to school.

I wish I could just have a normal life but then I see Britney and remember that there is no chance of that ever happening. In reality I think she is jealous of me, that I have my brothers who are so caring but at the end of the day it isn't like my whole life has gone smoothly.

"Hey bitch" Britney smirked then... She slapped me!

" W-What?" I whimpered, holding my stinging cheek.

Clicking her fingers she ordered Alice and Olivia to take me to the bathroom...

My daily beating; this usually includes being kicked and punched in the stomach to arbour any visible bruising or in the back which is agonising. Olivia thought it would be funny to see me pass out today, so at the end she kicked me in the back of my head. I felt a burst of pain and then black.

I regained consciousness after what felt like an eternity but was in fact only two hours. Not surprisingly they just left me there. Everything hurts but I can't go home I don't want them to know what is happening, I feel so weak. I can't even stand up for myself against a couple of seventeen year old girls and one of their boyfriends.

I realise it's third period and I scramble off of the floor and gather my books heading to Spanish.

Of course it had to be Spanish; The one clad I have with the person I feared most in this god forsaken school. The one and only Dan Whitmore, Britney's boyfriend.

Yes I know he is in Caleb's grade (Senior) but he was so behind in Spanish that he has to start it again from the beginning. So he's in my class which is filled with Sophomore's and Junior's. Whilst having to do work outside of class to catch up on the same things they are learning Caleb's class so basically he is learning it at breakneck speed.

This is the final bully.

Dan is the one that wrecks you with his rumours, beats you until you can't move and he's the person who wants to end you.

He started whispering things to me one thing, in particular, caught my attention.

He said, "bitch why don't you fucking go and kill yourself, no one cares about you anyway. Your brothers don't and your parents didn't, I mean your dad died then your mum killed herself to get away from you."

That stung my eyes welled up as I tried to concentrate on my teacher until I felt a tear trickle down my face, they kept on coming tears streaming down my face.

I didn't know what to do so I rose from my chair and ran out of the room, my Spanish teacher calling after me to stop.

I knew that Caleb had English in my building. Trying to remember his classroom I just kept running but tears were blurring my vision. I was going to have a breakdown at any moment.

I tripped and fell but didn't have the strength to get up I just lay there sobbing.

After about 10 minutes of crying on the floor, I kept running until I saw room 291E my brother's English classroom. I burst through the door but just broke down falling to my knees and crying.

I heard Miss Taylor telling me off for interrupting her lesson.

(she never liked me its all my older brothers' fault, they used to mess around and prank her when they had her for English so now she hates our whole family)

Until my brother started having a go at her, he practically told her to fuck off, and then rushed over pulling me into his chest saying sweet nothings in my ear to calm me down.

Once I wasn't crying hysterically he rudely said to Miss Taylor that he couldn't care less about her lesson because his sister was broken and she wouldn't fix her with that bitchy attitude.

That was the first genuine smile I had on my face for months.

Caleb picked me up bridal style and walked out of the classroom whilst calling the others, they were at work but they said they would be there.

Within 10 minutes flat, 6 of my other brothers par Chris as we didn't want to bother him, I was still crying but much less, in the end, I just had my head in Christy's neck while he was holding me. He walked out to the car, the others in tow. In the car it was silent, we headed straight for the the living room where we found Chris home from work with an angered look on his face...

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