Jackie's Bar

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Fridays and Saturdays were Chloe Hewitt's days over at Jackie's Bar. That was karaoke night, and she was the girl who sang until someone bought their way to sing instead. No one ever did, they always tipped her, she was so talented to everyone, she'll always be genuinely loved at Jackie's bar.

This Friday came along, and she was finally able to let the week that drained her go. When she wasn't at Jackie's, Chloe was a waitress at this " 50's Star Diner" somewhere far in LA, it drained her to practically nothing, having to act like she was in that actual year.

Chloe called an uber, waiting in her uniform( something along the lines of the outfit below) humiliating as it was, her fake cat eye glasses at the bridge of her nose, heels tapping impatiently.

 Chloe called an uber, waiting in her uniform( something along the lines of the outfit below) humiliating as it was, her fake cat eye glasses at the bridge of her nose, heels tapping impatiently

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  The uber driver pulled up to the diner, and she groaned, she opened the door and practically threw herself into it, "You took forever. Go to..." she told the driver the place she was staying at for a few weeks until she could get herself back together.

"You get two stars, next time you pick someone up, don't be late as hell. " she threw money out and bolted out of the car, her heels scraping against the pavement, then the tile floor of the apartments she lived in. Finally getting to her door, she scrambled in her bag, looking for her keys. As she brought her keys up to the lock, the door opened showing a Liza Koshy whom was kinda pissed.

"We gotta be at Jackie's at 8 where the hell were you?!" She extended the door out for Chloe and she ran in, " My uber took forever." She ran into her bedroom she shared with Liza, "Come here Liza! I need help getting out of this dress!" Liza came to her rescue.

  Out of her uniform Chloe slipped into an oversized sweater, and some jeans (below for the sweater) she put on a simple pair of black boots and looked at her makeup. She groaned, stomping to the bathroom and opening the drawer grabbing some makeup wipes. She attempted to wipe away the red lipstick she wore from work. Then her little cat winged eyes. She looked at herself, too natural..

She did her makeup quick, mascara, little bit of eye liner, a bit of eyeshadow to match her sweater a bit (eyes under the sweater picture) . Chloe then applied some light lip balm and then took a final look at herself. Her hair was up in a pony tail from work still, she thought about what to do, and nodded as she took it out of the band. Her short brown hair falling just under her chin. She smiled, Chloe always hated the way she looked, but on days like this she didn't mind.

Her freckles, they were everywhere and she hated it, chin was an actual right angle, Chloe hated everything about herself. Today was her Friday, she could let everything go. The little Indian roommate ran in, "Stop staring at yourself, we have people to meet!" Liza shouted, taking Chloe's arm and pulling taking her out of the bathroom and then the apartment.

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