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Chloe was discharged after a day or two. Heath was wheeling her around in the wheelchair, out to his truck. (RIP BIG RED.) Chloe stood up by herself, and got into the truck effortlessly, Heath stood there with hurt in his eyes. She was being distant, and didn't even care.

The two hadn't really spoke to one another since she woke up, but he stayed right there by her side, no matter what. Heath took a deep breath, and broke his trance, giving the wheelchair to a nurse, then entering his drivers side. Starting the car, he remembered what the last thing she said to him was.

" I...I never thought he'd try to shoot me.."

   Heath's heart sank, driving away from the hospital. "Who was this "he" that had shot her, why hasn't she wanted to contact the police? Why is she being so distant?" The Floridian thought to himself, he could feel the tears in his eyes. The love of his life, isn't talking to him, and it's breaking this poor thing.

Finally reaching her apartment, Heath went to open Chloe's door for her, but she already had it opened, "You still have a shot wound, and you won't let me take care of you..." Heath mumbled under his breath.

Chloe ignored him, and pushed on toward the building, limping slowly. "Let. Me. Help. You." Heath said slowly, arms wrapped around her to keep pressure off of her leg.  Still no response.

Reaching Chloe's door, Liza opened it, "You wouldn't let anyone see you?! I was worried sick, Chloe Anne!" Anne? That must be her middle name. Heath thought, as he led her to Liza's bedroom. 

Nothing came out of Chloe's lips, not even a sound, as she was lightly placed onto her side of the bed. "Princess..." she didn't even look at him, Chloe stared at the ceiling, tears falling from Heath's eyes,  Liza finally came into the room.

"So, you're just gonna be silent?! Really? After just being shot, you're going to cut everyone off for your sake? Not gonna let that happen. Heath, hun, you can stay here as long as you like, I'm sorry if my couch isn't as comfortable as yours. She needs to realize you and I are too stubborn, for her stubbornness." Heath smiled a sad smile at Liza.

"I promised my princess I was never gonna leave, and I'm a man of my word." He said while leaning down toward Chloe, placing a kiss on her forehead, face still emotionless. "You need anything my love, shout." He said walking out with Liza.

Tears were flowing like a river, he really wasn't that big of a crier, but, this situation was going to break him. He sat down onto the beige couch, Liza joining him. "You know anything? You refused to leave, I know that much." "Well, she knows the man who shot her... But won't say anything to the police."  Heath's broken voice stated.
"Doctor said she might be distant, shock of getting shot. I don't get it. If I was shot, and in the hospital for as long as she was.. I'd be itching to see everyone, and remind myself the reasons that I'm still here." He sniffed, and Liza pulled out a tissue from the box that was sitting on the coffee table.

"When she woke up, and I told her what happened.." he started taking the tissue, "She sobbed out " I...I never thought he'd try to shoot me.." that was the last thing I ever heard that voice say. She hasn't spoken since..." Liza knew Chloe most of their life's, as most knew, but she'd never expect this to happen.

"Soon, she'll be okay. I've known the girl forever, she'll talk herself outta her bad mood. Or she'll have a dream of her mom, and realize what the Hell she did. Always happens."

While the two of them spoke, Chloe's phone vibrated in her back pocket. Uncomfortably, she managed to get it, pain from her wound shot throughout her body.

So, you remember me? Good. That's a sign.

Chloe could feel her body freezing up, pain flaring up from her wound as she attempted to stand, a groan escaping her chapped lips. "H-Heath!" She attempted to shout. But, she found herself on the ground, a dark figure emerged from the closet "This is all too cliché for me. My shooting you, random text messages, me hiding in the closet. I mean, it's not my normal style, but, I will admit. This is going to be fun."

Heath heard Chloe from the other room, and immediately bolted, the door was locked? He broke it down in just amount of time for Chloe's attacker to swoop in and take her, then escape. The only thing left in the room, was Chloe's phone, Heath picked it up and read the message, tears wouldn't stop. He was definitely going to the police after this.

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