Overdue Hello

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 Jason, or at least someone with the same features I see when I describe him is above.

As the detectives went form warehouse to warehouse, Chloe still sat there, disappointment and blood still on her pointed face. "I hate you. You know that, right? You ruined the little bit of happiness I had, all because you didn't like me going to the one place that made me happy. You sure as hell didn't, all you fucking did was stay at the apartment, smoking weed. You left with everything abruptly, after you threatened to kill me if I hadn't left for home hours before I was supposed to. I come to our little place, and you destroyed everything. For what? Satisfaction that you broke me? But now you have the audacity to stand there proclaiming your love, while the police are hot on your trail. This is bullshit, just let me go Jason. Please. You're never going to hear the answer you're wanting, and I think you know this, that's why I'm covered in blood. There's still a fire that burns in you, what might that be? Why is there still something bubbling in that corpse mind of yours?" 

 Jason moved forward into the light, every shadow that made him look harsh slowly dissipated from the florescent light, his dark eyes peered into hers, "You're telling me I never made you happy once?" "Nope. It was the weed that put me off for a while. All you did was munch on the couch, when I wanted excitement, adventures, romance..." Chloe's eyes start to fill with tears, "As opposed to having to sleep with you every night, I wanted to be held, told that I was beautiful, with or without my scar. I wanted you to make a fucking effort, and you didn't care. I have that now, and I took it for granted, because I'm not used to real love..." Memories of Heath and her flood her mind. Their first kiss, how she had a nightmare in his arms, the way he held her... The way he only saw her in the room. "I'm not used to it because of you, and now I won't have another chance to be happy, because you've shot me, what else would you do to proclaim your fake love for me, hm? Carve your initials just above my scar? Make your mark, before you kill me? " "I don't want to kill you, I never have.." "Then explain it to me, what are you wanting from me, so I may just leave?" 

 "I want to hear about the love you have now. I'm not going to ruin it, or hurt the one you're with, I just want to see you happy. I want to hear the pitch of your voice, see the look in your eyes, feel every memory. If you're right, the police will find us, and you'll be safe and sound with your prince charming, I won't run, or harm anyone, I'll go quietly so long as I hear this." "You have yourself a deal then, Jason. "

 "Heath Hussar and I met over at Jackie's. It was a sweet night, honestly... I hadn't been able to see him before going on stage, but his eyes, his chocolate brown eyes stood above everyone else's that stared at me up there. After I had finished my song, I did the usual. I grabbed a beer, took my cigarettes with me, and sat outside. He had done the same once he saw me walk out. Him and I were supposed to meet in person earlier that night, him being a friend of Liza's boyfriend, and such, but I was needed by Jackie the second I left Liza's car. So, I'm leaning against my chair, and.." Jason pulls out a knife from his jacket, and gives her a reassuring look, bending down to cut her arms, and legs loose of the rope, "Thank you.." she whispered, before continuing along with her story. 

 Meanwhile, Detective Vatalaro was updating Heath back at the LAPD station. "Kay, so, we have four sets of folks going to the four other locations, just to narrow out the search y'know?" Heath nodded in response, "Yeah, thanks for letting me know. I didn't think cops really did this sorta stuff." " Do what exactly?" "Some of them actually care enough to tell you whats going on, as opposed to just letting you sit there, because they hate their job. The miserable ones, y'know?" "Ah, them's just at the front desk. We all care, son. Most of us have a passion for this." Heath smiled, soon his princess will return to him, and he just can't wait to see her. He wondered if the fucker hurt her, a sting of anger bubbling in him "Detective, does Jason have any reputation of being violent?" "No, not usually. Then again, he did shoot her, I'm assuming." Heath nodded, "That fucker is going to what's coming to him for that, Chloe didn't talk to me for weeks, when he took her...I had literally just brought her home from the hospital. This case needs to get a move on, I want to severely hurt this man." "Cigarette, son? You look like you really need it." "Yes, sir I really do!" 

 Chloe wiped the tears that were streaming down her cheeks, "I really think I do love him. We've only been together three months, but he's got such a good soul. And the only thing I'm wanting is to just go home to him, I miss him... I really fucking miss him... But, a deal's a deal. One of the times where I skipped work just to stay in bed all day with him, might've been the best day of my life. We watched tons of really shitty Netflix series, and just snacked all day cuddling, and laughing at the stupidest things. His laugh is so fucking goofy, but I swear to god it's like my favorite fucking sound." Jason smiled, tears in his eyes, "This is all I wanted, I just wanted to feel at least something for once. I'm sorry, I know that doesn't do much to all of this, you have a bullet wound from me. But, it shows you I really might like being someone's bitch in prison. I'm fucking nuts, so I guess I'll fit in." Chloe laughed, "Wow, I really didn't think this is how tonight was going to turn out, but, I'm cool with it." 

 Just then she heard cars pulling up to the warehouse, doors slamming shut "Okay, sir, we're all at the last location." Chloe smiled and stood, the door on the far right opened and she waved "This ain't my first rodeo, I talked him down and outta crazy." She pointed at Jason, and Jason kinda waved, the officer ran to the man, and handcuffed him, and read him his rights, as one of the other officers came in with a shock blanket and put it around Chloe, outside she could hear the door closing and the officer say "Sir, we got the fucker. Tell the lover boy." Chloe smiled, she knew who that was... She slowly made her way to a squad car, and sat in the passenger side, "Lover boy, huh? Fitting, I guess." The officer laughed as he pulled away from the scene, and drove off in the direction of what Chloe hoped was going to be home. 

 Pulling into the LAPD station was a little bit disheartening, that not being home, so she looked to the officer "I'm bringing you to my detective, so he can bring you to lover boy." Chloe smiled shyly, "Thank you.." He nodded in response, as they started up the stairs of the station's entrance. 

 "He should be right through this door." The officer said as he turned the nob of the interrogation room, that doesn't have the cameras. The door swung open to reveal chocolate brown eyes, her heart leaped out of her chest, "Lover boy seems to be your true nickname." He took a few steps forward taking her hands in his, and pulled her into the room closing and locking the door. He pulls out a chair for her and a makes her sit, he grabs something from under the table an ashtray and a pack of cigarettes, he pulls one out of the box and places it between Chloe's lips "You look like you really really need it, my love" Heath whispers before lighting it, Chloe takes a long drag, and moans as she exhales, "I love you too, you know?" 

 "Are you talking to me, or the cigarette?" "You, dumb ass, and a little bit the cigarette too.. But.." Chloe turns her head to look into cocoa eyes, "You've had me wrapped around your finger since I first saw those eyes on stage. " She takes a drag of her cig, and puts the rest out in the ash tray, then stands slowly, "Do you hear me Heath Hussar?" she wraps her arms around his neck, as he snakes his around her waist, "I'm in love with you." "I love you too, crazy ass." he brought his head down to her and placed a sweet loving kiss on her lips, "Let's go home?" Chloe nods, "That sounds like a wonderful idea, I really need a shower. Perhaps you could join me, darling?" "That too, sounds like a wonderful idea.." His eyes and smile wide, a blush on Chloe's face. What a lovely picture, indeed.

I'M SO SORRY I'M BAD AT UPDATING!!!!!! Tell me what you think about this chapter, though?  I love you guys, I hope you know. This has 2k reads, and it's mind boggling how cool that is, and I worked on this chapter for the however long it took me to update, what three/four months? Because I'm insane, and well, I'll try my best to give ya'll what I know you must want. SMUT??  Lemme know, or something?  <3 -Keni 

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