Her Tiffany's

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Heath's eyes grazed Chloe's body, and swallowed hard at the dry lump that was forming in his throat. He grew ten times more nervous than he's ever been in his entire life.

"Hi.." Chloe said finally breaking the silence, "Hey.." "Hi.." "Hey..." "IF I HEAR HI, OR HEY ONE MORE DAMN TIME IM GONNA THROW A COW AT YOU BOTH! Y'all are worse than broken records. Also, cute, you guys matched! Denim and denim!" Liza shouted from the couch, throwing a throw pillow (pun intended, it's Liza) in Chloe's direction.

The awkward mess that was the two of them looked down at their outfits, then to the other's and giggled, Heath was wearing a light denim shirt that matched completely with Chloe's little crop top. Chloe waved Liza a goodbye "You better bring her home by midnight, I'll kill you boy." Heath gulped and waved, "I swear.." he managed to yell out as Chloe shut the door behind them.

Heath held out his arm for her to take it, and she nodded, as they approached the elevator taking his arm. He pressed the button and they were off.

As they were approaching Heath's truck, he grabbed something from the depths of his pocket, and smile to Chloe's look of slight concern. "The rest is a surprise, gotta blindfold ya babe." She smiled softly and let go of his arm and turned away from him, to let him tie the blue bandana around her face.

Heath helped her into the truck, and put her seatbelt on for her, then proceeded to drive to their destination which wasn't far at all. Just around the block if anything, as the car stopped, Chloe laughed
"I get blindfolded to then go on the shortest car ride there is?" Heath smiled in her direction, "There's a lot more, duh, just gotta be patient princess." She nodded, "That's something I've had issues with.." he gave her a look and smiled, remembering she can't see his facial expressions at the moment.

"Give me like five minutes, gotta make sure everything is in order my dear." She nodded yet again, "Okay! But Heath! Play some music before I bite away my nails I've been trying to grow." He pushed the power button and changed his Country channel to something she'd enjoy. "Thank you love."

Heath left for what was not even two songs and came back, he opened her door, unbuckled her seatbelt, then slowly helped her out of the truck. They walked a few steps, and her eyes were uncovered then, she blinked away the brightness that was lights? It was almost seven already and there's light outside?

As her eyes adjusted to the death of the bright, she gasped. "This is adorable Heath!!" She squeaked.
Heath decked out the bed of his truck with pillows and blankets, with millions of snacks, and drinks in a cooler, not to mention the entire thing was lit by string lights.

Heath wrapped his arms around Chloe's small waist and let his chin rest onto her shoulder, "I'm glad you like this but.. It gets even better, I have beer and wine in the cooler that's over in the corner chillin' and killin." He pointed to the cooler, "I have David to legit be our butler for the evening, he will only respond by text, he's at home I swear. AND. " as he said that he grabbed a remote out of his pocket and pressed a button, a projection hit the side of her apartment building, her favorite movie was playing.

"How did you know Breakfast at Tiffany's is my favorite movie??!" "Hey.. I had to go to Liza, she know more about you than you probably do!" Chloe laughed and kissed his cheek, "Well, get up there. I'm wearing a skirt so I need help up.." she whispered and Heath nodded, "I got you princess." He picked her up, jumped into the truck and lightly placed her down.

"Can you get anymore cheesyly cute?" "My dear, I'm pretty sure that ''tis not be a word." He said as he sat down next to her, then snaked his arm around to find Chloe's hand to intertwine their fingers together.

  "Moon river, wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style

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  "Moon river, wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style..." Chloe sang along with Audrey Hepburn, "This movie helped me get through a lot." Heath smiled at her, "Mean reds huh?" "Ohh yeah." "Well tell me my dear, you afraid now?"Chloe was silent, she couldn't think of anything to say that didn't sound terribly awkward.

 She nodded, "Mean reds as Holly put it, are when you're just afraid, and you don't know what you're afraid of. And believe me I'm always terrified." Heath tightened his grip on her, "Then let me be your Tiffany's? I can be the thing that calms you down immediately, makes you feel safe. Noting very bad can happen to you, if you know I'm there."

 Chloe screamed in her head, this was better than anything she could ever imagine. Heath definitely could be her Tiffany's, if she'd let herself go of her mean reds. "I'd marry you for your money in a heartbeat." She quoted the movie, "Well, good thing I'm not rich yet huh?" He smiled, then kissed her forehead, "Wine?"

 They spent the night watching Chloe's favorite movies; Breakfast at Tiffany's, Chicago, even Shrek the musical. Enjoying their cigarettes and wine, cuddling in the bed of Heath's truck. This was too perfect in her eyes. And Chloe was getting used to being this happy.

 Just ten minutes before midnight, Heath drove back to the front of the apartments then walked her to her own. Awkwardly standing in front of the door, holding hands, Chloe went to her tippy toes, their high difference too extreme to not, "You want to be my Tiffany's, yeah?" Heath nodded, "It would be my honor Miss Golightly." She placed a soft  kiss onto his lips, long and sweet, letting go of his hands and snaking her arms around his neck, his own hands finding her waist.

 The two parted lips, but never made contact by their tongues, love was there, and felt. Just not said. As the kiss started it's ending, the door opened, "Boy, I said I'd kill you if you didn't bring her home by midnight, she ain't in the home thank you." Chloe laughed and parted from the kiss, "Just a minute Liza, to be my dad in a sec?" She nodded, "Mmhm, I got chu, you wanna say goodnight ya nasty." And closed the door.

 "This is going to be a more often thing my princess." "Promise?" "I promise." And with one last kiss, she went inside, and Heath drove home to tell his friends about the woman he's in love with so soon.

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