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 After a while of Chloe and Heath being together, (about three months) Heath was head over heels. They hadn't fought, hadn't argued, both were just okay, and never did wrong to the other. It was too perfect in Chloe's eyes, her being this worrying mess.

 But, she let herself be happy. Have the life she thought she deserved. Even the things at the diner seemed fine, which baffled the waitress.

 One slow night at the diner, Chloe was the one to close up that night, and so, she was wiping down the last table, until someone walked in. Dressed in all black, Chloe hadn't really saw the person with the gun pointed to her head, but she knew who it was.

"Jason?" She asked, as she slowly turned on her heel, cautiously. And with that, the gun was pointed away from her, and the person whom held it ran away. And Chloe knew, it had to have been her ex boyfriend, Jason Walter.

Jason Walter, Chloe could've sworn he was the prettiest thing she'd ever had seen, with this smile that could melt a solid block of ice. But that's all he was, was ice.

 He broke her, traumatized her, and left her for dead with little to nothing. He was the reasoning to why she could trust anyone, and Chloe knew for a fact, that she just saw him. His built was tall, very lengthy, and he'd always had been paper thin, but that wasn't how Chloe knew. She saw his eyes, his hazel eyes, that she still has nightmares about.

 His eyes, and his lips were the two favorite things about him, but, he did have his mouth covered by some black bandanna or something. Chloe tried to get to a phone, hers being in her bag in the back, weak knees attempting to inch their way toward the front desk. And with that, she felt herself get insanely lightheaded, finally reaching the desk, she remembered the button.

 In most restaurants, they have buttons on front desks, and or somewhere convenient, to press and call the police. She quickly reached to press it, putting in all of her strength. Just as Chloe pushed it, everything went to a blur, the shock sent her into a sort of a faint or a coma.

 Everything was painfully white, and everything seemed a million times louder than normal. Chloe blinked away the brightness, eyes finally adjusting, fluttering lightly. She was in a bed, and finally took note of her surroundings. Hospital. Understood. She knew she would've ended up there. No big surprise after what she endured, and remembered.

 Heath was wrapped around her waist, but from the side. Chloe looked to him, sitting there in that hospital chair, asleep on her lap. She wondered how long she was out for. Though everything told her not to, she softly shook Heath.

 "What Zane?!" He asked annoyed, head shooting up, "PRINCESS!" Heath said when he realized, "Hi baby!" Chloe attempted to show the same excitement that she shared, but her voice was raspy. "H-How long was I out?" "Well.. It's been two weeks, my lovely... Had me worried.." Two weeks? Did she hit her head on the fall down?

 "Do you know what happened?" Heath asked softly, hand being brought up to bring the hair that was hanging in her face, behind her ear. "Mhm! Someone came in with a gun, then left, I guess the shock got me after I called the police?" "Oh baby.." he said, and took her hand, as he shook his head.

 With that action, a tall, skeleton like, bald man, with circular glasses, in a old fashioned, tight doctors uniform, came into the room, "Oh hello Ms.Harper! Glad to finally meet you properly. I'm Dr.McKinley!"  "Hello! Now, my boyfriend was going to tell me what exactly happened, and to why I was out for two weeks, and I'm not trying to be rude, but apparently I don't know something.."

 "Oh! Of course! Please, proceed on.." The doctor said, stepping a bit away from the two.

 "Baby.. You uh.. You were shot." Heath said, his grip on her hand fierce. "Huh?" Chloe asked, confusion flooded her eyes with the tears that swelled up. "The guy with the gun. He shot you, in your shoulder.. Then just left." " I do not remember getting shot! I just turned around, then I made the assumption... What do you mean I was just shot? I don't feel any pain right now? "

"Uh, if I may?" Doctor McKinley started with, "Your immune system is very strong, and all you have right about now is a good amount of scar tissue in your left shoulder blade, in the enter and exit areas, maybe even still a bit of some tenderness, but, it's mostly healed. I came in here to tell your significant other this." Tears were falling from her face, a light sob on her lips, "I... I never thought he'd try to shoot me.."

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