Scars To Your Beautiful

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Chloe took another shot of some cheap whiskey, and hugged Heath, "Time to go get recorded by David yet again. Yay?" Heath's arms that were snaked around Chloe's small waist tightened their grip, "One of these days you're gonna get a record label 'cause of him princess, it'll be fine." Chloe sighed, "I guess you're right."

Jackie watched the two of them, Chloe on her tippy toes to peck Heath's neck, she smiled to herself. "I better be at that damn wedding." Jackie said under her breath, a light chuckle following, "Clo." "One more second." Her response was muffled by Heath's neck as she gave it one more kiss, then let go of him.

"I'll take a few requests tonight, since I have nothing else but Sweater Weather." Jackie nodded, and one of the only workers came over to her and whispered something to her. The only thing Jackie did was nod, "What was that about?" Chloe asked motioning to the worker, "He told me that you're needed out there. There's probably 200 people in that small room out there. Even some waiting outside the door." Jackie said with a smile, Chloe nodded and looked to Heath, a soft and sweet smile on his lips which caused Chloe to smile too.

Chloe's boots clinked as she walked onto the stage, she moved the mic up a bit and listened to the crowd rawr her little stage name. "Hipster girl!! Hipster girl!!" It sounded like some odd chant, summoning some really funny and teenage spirit of hipster. She smiled at her mind thinking of the weirdest thing it possibly could've.

Chloe took a deep breath then spoke, "Hello all! Welcome to Jackie's, my name is Chloe Hewitt for those who don't know. I've been told most of y'all call me Hipster Girl is that right?" Everyone cheered, " I'll take that as a yes, well, I gotta go over some stuff before we get down and with the songs m'kay?" "You may only take video if you tip. All the tips go to Jackie so she can buy us good enough equipment. And pay the bills, you know the important stuff?" She laughed at herself and made eye contact with Heath, he looked so proud, those chocolate eyes from last night. If he wouldn't have came last night, would they have ever met? Chloe couldn't think about that right now. She had to do what she needed.

"This is a karaoke bar, don't let me be the only one up here singing. Also, yes, this is a bar, buy drinks!!! Get drunk, and pay for your way into singing up here! You'll make me sad if I'm the only one." The worker from earlier came over the Chloe and whispered in her ear, "Woo! I guess we have someone reserved for the song after me. So, that's amazing! We need more than one person, though, guys." The crowd cheered yet again, and she gulped.

"This song Imma bout' to do is called Sweater weather. Ever heard of it?"

"And all I am is a man
I want the world in my hands
I hate the beach
But I stand in California with my toes in the sand
Use the sleeves in my sweater
Let's have an adventure
Head in the clouds
But my gravity is centered."

Chloe's voice rang through that quaint little bar, everyone in that joint had their phones out, recording her. Heath couldn't help but feel proud, though they have only known each other for an actual day, he knew something about her was addictive.

Chloe ended the song and smiled at everyone leaving tips in this bucket that was resting on top of an old speaker, "Thanks you guys! Everything you do helps out Jackie! Now, I'll take requests for the next song I'll sing, after, we have our reservation come up here!" And she went down the makeshift stage's stairs, heavily out of breath, face bright red, "Hi." She says as she wraps her arms around Heath, "Princess, I gotta pee like a motherfucker, but your voice.. Sounded perfect tonight." Chloe blushed, though, her face was already red. A smile on her plump lips, "I'll be back princess, go get yourself a beer."

Chloe did just that, the two of them going in opposite directions, Heath walking up to the stage, his heart pounding in his chest.

"What if she thinks it's too soon or something?" He remembered the conversation he had with Jackie earlier, "There ain't no such thing as too soon baby. Only too late. I believe way too much in fate to think that. "

Heath nodded, there's no such thing as too soon, just too late. He walked up to the mic, and the song started playing. Though Heath wasn't the best singer, he was gonna do this for Chloe. She needed to know he ain't gonna leave for shit.

"She just wants to be beautiful
She goes, unnoticed she knows no limits
She craves, attention she praises an image
She prays to be sculpted by the sculpture
Oh, she don't see the light that's shining
Deeper than the eyes can find it
Maybe we have made her blind
So she tries to cover up her pain
And cut her woes away"

Heath started to sing the lyrics that appeared on the screen closest to him, Chloe's head shot back to the stage, a wide smile on her face, she knew and loved that song so much. It helped her get through so much. Tears started to swell up in her eyes, she took a long drink from her beer.

" 'Cause cover girls don't cry after their face is made
But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing, the world could change it's heart
No scars to your beautiful, we're starts and we're beautiful"

Tears were flowing down her cheeks ruining her makeup, but she didn't care. Heath made eye contact with her, and smiled to her as he sang her his song. His eyes stayed locked on her until he finished said song, "I don't really know how to put this, since that was karaoke, not really a "performance performance", but that was dedicated to my princess..." he pointed in the direction of Chloe, "We're stars and we're beautiful." He whispered to the mic, and walked off as the crowd around them cheered. Eyes locked on Chloe awaiting some kind of movie like kiss.

And the crowd was not at all disappointed. Chloe immediately ran to Heath, grabbed him by the blue flannel he was wearing and kissed him passionately and hard. "No one has ever done anything like that for me before." "Glad I was the first one to do something really fucking romantic then. Princess?" Chloe looked up, "Yea?" "You got any days off next week, other than the weekend? David told me you work at a diner?" " That I do, I might have Thursday off why?" "Wanna have food, but as a date?" Chloe chuckled and took a sip of her beer.

The crowd around them was getting restless, "Hip-Ster gal! Romantic boy! HIPSTER GAL!! ROMANTIC BOY!!!" "Looks like you can sing a duet with me in a minute, then I'll tell you my answer Heath bear." Chloe winked as they walked back up the stage.

Wow Keni, two updates? Technically the same day? You okay? I'm fine, just into the story more. Leave me alone.

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