Storms and Teacups

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Chloe apparently fell back asleep, at least that's what it felt like. Her eyes blinking away tears that started falling. She stood, then went to the bathroom, and brushed her teeth then looked at her reflection. "Such a pathetic little face" she said to herself, she splashed water water onto her face, then took her hair out of the band just to put it back up.

The front door slammed shut, and she sighed, "I'm just pathetic." She said to herself yet again walking out of the bathroom and took her phone from her bag, 12 missed calls from someone she assumed was Heath. Liza must've given him her number or something. She went through the messages he sent her. Such worry in all of them. She couldn't understand why someone was already so worried and attached to her, she was just pathetic in her mind.

Then there was a knock on the door that was just slammed shut not too long ago. She threw her phone in the direction of the couch, missing horribly. She walked towards the door and looked into the peephole. Heath standing there, soaked from the pouring rain from outside that Chloe never noticed.

She opened the door and walked back to her phone not even greeting Heath, she picked it up and hoped it wasn't cracked, she smiled at it and then threw it successfully onto the couch.

Heath awkwardly walked in and closed the door behind him, as Chloe went to the linen closet and grabbed a towel, throwing it in Heath's direction. Missing yet again horribly. "Guess my aim is off today." She stated walking back into the same hallway into the bedroom her and Liza share.

Chloe then went to their dresser finding a shirt that was huge on her, hoping that it would fit Heath, then searched for a pair of sweats she hoped would fit him as well. Chloe then placed them on the counter in the kitchen and smiled in Heath's direction "Brought ya clothing, so you can be all warm, and not wet and cold."

She then went to the couch and sat down, "Bathroom is down that hall, and is the second door on the left. First one would be the linen closet, either way you can change in both rooms if you go into the other on accident." She joked turning on the tv.

Heath wondered why she was acting this strange, the last time he saw her she seemed mad at him and herself at the exact same time, then Liza tells him she's numb, now she's attempting to make jokes? Right now Heath would make a chick joke, and say all women are bipolar on their periods, but he knew it would be distasteful, and most likely untrue.

Chloe went on Netflix and turned on Across the Universe as Heath made his way to the bathroom to change. She softly sang along to the songs, and brought the blanket up to her chest again laying back, she was always so much better when this was on.

After Heath was finished changing he wrapped his wet clothes in the towel he used earlier, and awkwardly stood in the hallway watching Chloe sing along to the Beatles's songs that were this musical. She finally looked up to see him and smiled, "You can put your wet clothes on top of the dryer behind you down the hall." She said before returning to her singing.

Heath did as was said, and resumed awkwardly leaning against the hallway wall, watching Chloe sing. "You still planning on going to Jackie's tonight?" He asked, trying to make the air less awkward.

Chloe nodded, not breaking eye contact with the tv. Heath finally sat down next to her, " Do you already know what song you're gonna pick?" She shrugged, "It depends." She finally spoke, but still not looking in his direction.

After a few songs in the movie, Chloe turned it off and looked to Heath, "Why are you here? Not to sound rude or anything. But why?" This was Heath's turn to shrug, "I got worried about you..." His voice trailed off, Chloe broke eye contact and looked to the floor. "Why?" The rain from outside getting louder and louder, hitting the ground at a rapid speed, thunder shook and boomed the apartment complex.

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