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Police flooded Liza and Chloe's apartment, dusting for fingerprints, searching for DNA, looking for anything they could to find Chloe, and get the fucker who took her behind bars. Meanwhile, Liza was comforting a tear stained Heath, sitting on her beige couch, letting out soft sobs as he tried gaining composure. He had just blown up on a detective, apparently in their eyes, the odds weren't in their favor, only a 1 in 100 chance that they'd find her. But Heath knows his princess, she's strong, and too stubborn to die, let alone let herself be lost for too long.

Heath let out another sob, his head in his hands, "I think I love her, Liza." "Oh, shut up! I know you do! I KNOW HEATH! You've basically been in love with this girl since you first met her, she's your everything, believe me, she's mine too, I'm not falling apart because this isn't her first rodeo. Chloe is strong, and stubborn, and everything that makes a survivor. I mean, think what she could feeling right now, she could be going through some PTSD trip or something. Look at us being selfish, caring about one another's feelings like she isn't going through something more than worse."

Heath slowly started to raise his head, and nodded, "You're right, Liza...I really shouldn't be acting like this, huh?" "Just shut up, before I kill you, and serve my time in prison, not looking for Chloe."

Meanwhile, Chloe tried opening her eyes, but saw nothing. Her heart sank, she knew her situation, not so strong rope tied around her wrists, and ankles, she obviously was tied to a chair, in some rotting warehouse, probably in the shitty part of West Hollywood. She sighed as she heard something shift, "You're kidding me, right? If you're gonna kill me, you would've already done it by now, so what the fuck is your problem?" Chloe shouted on the top of her lungs, "Not to mention, this is all a little too over fucking used. You're so ridiculous." "Shut your whore mouth, I don't remember you being this big of a fucking cunt." "I really don't have to shut my mouth, y'know? I could just piss you off, until you kill me. So, how's about you take this blindfold off me, and we talk like two civilized adults?" Right then Chloe felt a sharp pain across her face, and she laughed " I really don't care what the fuck you want, now that you're being even more a dick, you're not getting whatever it is. I'll die before you get whatever."

Finally her blindfold was taken off, Chloe then blink away the brightness of the florescent light that was flickering above her. "Thank you." she let herself whisper, her sight was finally clear and she was right. She looked left, then right, and shook her head in disappointment, "This is so cliché, you might get caught faster then you think, Jason. "

"You always know it's me, how?" "I'm not an idiot, obviously. Now, I gotta know, why did I get fucking shot, and why am I tied to this nasty chair? You could've been a little considerate, but noo." "Shut the fuck up, do I have to say it again? You do know your circumstances, right?" "No, not really, since someone hasn't explained his 'oh so amazing evil plan', which would be utterly lovely, since I'm just wanting to talk, and you're letting me. You obviously have some sort of objective here." "I don't remember you being such a cunt." "Could say the same thing about you, but I didn't, I was being kind of civilized." Another sharp pain, her left cheekbone was slightly bleeding, a ring on Jason's left hand scraped against her skin.

Blood in mouth, she laughed, making it spit out at her captor. "You really don't remember me, huh? All that, does nothing." "Because you're numb. I remember..." Jason's voice was low, and soft. "Why did you steal everything? Why did you vandalize my apartment, with not so creative bullshit? If you remember? " she spat at him, her voice was in flames, tears flooded his eyes, "I don't know... I just was.. I loved you, I swear to god, this is what all this is..."

Chloe snorted a laugh, "Go fuck yourself, you fucking shot me, and kidnapped me?! BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME?! After you left me, with absolutely nothing.." her voice coiled around the wear house, "I.. I just.." "GO. FUCK. YOURSELF. If you're going to kill me, go for it, I don't care about you, since you made it kind of apparent you didn't care about me."

"I found you online..A video of you singing along to the jukebox, in your uniform... You looked so happy, and free, I wanted to see you like that just one more time.." "What did I fucking say? Kill me if you're going to, or let me go. That's the options, you don't have the right to go on a fucking monologue about your apparent love for me." She pulled her arms away from one another to attempt to break free somehow.

"You don't care? You literally would rather die, then hear about someone's love for you?" "Yes, because I was fucking shot, because of your love for me. That's bullshit. You're literally insane, so maybe prison will work for you, I don't know. You're a little scrawny, so, you're totally going to be someone's bitch." And another punch to the face from Jason, she laughed, "Deserved I suppose, now, are you going to let me go? Or...Did ya pick the other option?" Chloe said in monotone, whilst Jason sighed.

Back at the LAPD, Detective Scott Vatalaro a tall, forty year old man, with salt and pepper hair, stood before Heath in an interrogation room, he smiled, "So, you two have been together for how long?" "Three months.." Heath stated, a confused look on his face, "Why am I being questioned?" "You're not, this is just a private place, where I can turn off the cameras, and smoke in here, whilst updating you." The detective said with a laugh, as his hand slipped into his jacket pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

"But, you wouldn't know if your colleagues are behind the mirror thing." "They do the same thing too, this room is never used honestly. But," he put a cigarette between his lips, lit it, and took a long drag, "We have more information on her case, she filed for a burglary a few years ago or so, and she thought it was her ex boyfriend Jason Walker, and her phone that you found in her room, the text said JW, I'm just sayin' this guy's done this like three times now. He's a good runner, it's been four fucking years and I haven't been able to find this guy. He hasn't killed anyone yet, he just leaves women in abandoned wear houses. His last victim's names all start with C's I have no idea why, but yeah. Christine Howell, Caitlin Ranus, Camryn Jacobs. So that's our lead, Chloe is in some abandoned wear house, cliché as it may be, this is the only thing we've got." Another long drag off his cigarette, smile on his lips, "we have a chance to find her, and him."

Heath's heart dropped, just as his jaw did, "When you find this Jason, is there anyway..." "You can kick his ass? Yeah, I got you... Believe me, he's got what he's coming to him." Heath wasn't just going to kick his ass, he was going to beat him to a pulp, he'll be spending his first couple years in prison in a wheel chair.

His princess was going to be found though, safe, and sound. There's a chance, and literal lead. They can find her, and once they do, he was going to make sure she wasn't going to leave his sight for very long, ever again.

Heath broke out of his trance when the detective handed him a cigarette, "You look like you need it, son." He laughed in response, nodding whilst taking it between his fingers, then fishing through his pockets to find his lighter. After lighting, and dragging, he smirked "He doesn't need both eyes, right?" The detective snorted, "I mean..."

I'm so sorry I've been dead my lovelies... It's been like two months or so, right? I have no idea, but I hope this horrible chapter makes up for lost time. I promise to update again hella soon!

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