Chapter 1: Escape

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     "Going to war with the Grand Master..." Yeah, that idea had been planted in our brains for a while now. All four of us had been given the illusion of some secret agent like guy giving us sanctuary and a place to hide and hone our skills. At least, we thought it was real. As we all gathered towards one area, we were quickly taken out and locked away. Turned out that the secret agent guy we met was nothing more than a spy in disguise, trying to get us to trust him and he lead us into a trap.

     We had been taken in for about three weeks, and I had time to analyze the other three that were taken. All four of us were guys, but we were all different. There was a 16 year old kid with a hood always over his head. He never took it off for anything, probably hiding something on his head. He kept looking around, looking for a way to escape. I chuckled to myself as I watched him fail to get out, because that was probably the last bit of entertainment I'd be getting for a while.

     There was a younger kid across from the hooded boy, laying on his side and staring at the wall. The strange thing was he didn't look like he was new to being locked up. None of us wanted to be locked up, but he seemed used to be caged like an animal. He gripped the cell bars, then walked away. He looked towards the hooded kid from time to time and they exchanged looks, seeming to plot something.

     "Shit...!" I heard the bars ring from the third cage. The other kid, probably the oldest of us all, tried breaking the bars. His arms were like blades, but it still failed to break the bars. "Goddammit...! If I get the chance, I'm killing the guy who lured us here!" I looked at him as he started to go on a rampage in his cell. He didn't look happy at all, or even generally upset. Just angry as hell.

     I looked down at my own hands and looked at the two symbiotes that weren't fused into my body. I sighed and looked at the bars. As long as everyone else was trying to break out, I should have given it a go to. I looked around my cell and sighed. Looked like a typical dungeon. Cell doors, barred window, stone cell. I looked at the symbiotes and looked around for any weak parts of the cell. There was nothing.

     The guy in a rampage stopped and growled. "Well, this sucks." He looked to all of us and leaned against the bars. "Well if we're gonna be sharing this part of this goddamn dungeon, it wouldn't hurt to know each other."

     The hooded kid looked up and gave a brief, "Kyle. Who are all of you?" He looked around and I sighed.

     The guy who first brought it up leaned up against the bars. "Name's Jace. Jace X." He looked over to me and nodded. "Who are you?"

     "Fang." My symbiotes looked at the three. "Meet Damian and Trent." I ended up calling the symbiotes after my late friends. It only seemed fitting. We all looked over at the silent one, the youngest of us four. He sat up and looked at us, saying nothing. He didn't seem used to talking to people. "So what's your name, Bird boy? I see the wings on your back." He looked at the wings that peeked out from behind his shoulders and sighed quietly.

     "My name is Blake Stal-Krylo." He looked at us as walked to the bars. We all looked to the entrance of the room and one scout walked in. The scout was a female, masked fave and everything, but some of her red hair began to drop down from the hole for her eyes. She began to check our cells.

     "Prisoner 3. No injuries, healthy condition, general health is stable." She did this for all four of us, but it was different for Jace's check up. "Prisoner 4. No injuries, healthy condition, stronger build than the others..." She said some other stuff, but I didn't care to listen. As she left the room, several guards came into the room, opened our cells, and pulled us out. They handcuffed us and lead us toward some kind of weird set of halls.

     Eventually we reached the main room and in front of us sat the man responsible for all of this. The Grand Master himself. The man was younger than I expected, but he definitely was a royal pain to look at. He stood up and walked over to us, looking down at all four of us.

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