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its been almost a hour and nothing the only thing I can do is not smell the smoke.


the door knob started turning and there was carter standing there smiling.

''Well we should go get that clay for you're stupid volcano.

he grabed me and took me to the Art shop.

I went to the back shelf and grabed a bottle of clay and payed for it. I walk out and get grabed on the wrist.

OWE!! you're hurting me Carter. please let go.''

he got up to my ear and whispered again.

''Ugh you're so hot.. why can't you be mine.I want you so bad hmhm''. he moaned a little at the last part..

then he started kissing my neck.'' uh Carrtter.p-please k-keep. I mean stop.'' i said he's so high he don't know what he's doing

''um Carter we need to go home.''. I started walking till he grabed my bum.

I kep walking ignoring his exsestice.

''Babe wait''

''i am not you're babe'' i snaped. the walk home was alittle bit awkward. he still was his high self. so i took a picture of him to show the boys and maybe Mama mahone

i ran upstairs and found Dustin asleep.

''Dustin. wake up we have to finish. and in the corner of my eye I see a very angry Austin.

''where have you been. fucking with carter.''.

''what''. its been two hours since the last time I saw you.

wait two hours?. that feak tard lied. ''Austin he-he locked me in a closet.

he went to Zach's to get high.''. I was telling the truth.

''i don't believe you''

I took my phone out of my pocket and showed him the picture but it had been deleted.

"I-i swear.please Austin. why would I like Carter look at what all he's done''

''im done with you'' and with that he stormed out of Dustin's room.

I grabed the food coloring and the rest of the stuff. I took off Dustin's glasses and layed them in his hand.

went to my room and sitted down and got to work.

I fell asleep looking horable. I had food coloring all over me. clay. I was a mess.I woke up with a sound of a picture being taken. I open my eyes and see Carter standing there smirking.


''go look in the mirror''..

I ran to the bathroom looked in the mirror and saw. payback righten on my face right along with glasses and a mustach.

I got the marker off and my clothes and ran down stairs with my 1D head phones on.I had the progect in my hand saw not one person. I looked at the time and saw I was about ten min late for school.

I rushed out side and saw Alex waiting in his car. ''what are you doing''

I ask dumb founded as to why he was here and not school.

''im waiting on you. get in''.

I got in the car and left.

''why didn't Austin wake you up.''

''well he's kinda mad at me''.I said kinda sad about yesterday


''well he thinks I like Carter. I wanted clay to make this this thing for school. so Carter went with me. and instead of going staight to the art store we went to Zach's. Carter told me it would be a hour but it was two hours''

after that Alex didn't say a word. when we got there we both ran in and the halls was crouded. I was shoving past everyone looking for Dustin till I found him leaning on his locker. I walked up to him and Austin with the volcano in hand.


''oh look who it is Mrs Carter Mahone''.

''Please. I swear I wanted to get the clay please I didn't want to go to Zach's'' I said trying to get a point straight. but it don't help when Carter and Zach come up behind you

''thanks babe for visiting last night ;)''.

I look around to see austin and Dustin walking away.

I ran up to Dustin.

''Here dustin. take this. Im ditching since you think I like Carter I'm ditching with him. good bye''

I walked back to carter and slamed my lips to his just so I could make them even mader.

''Carter will you ditch school with me''.

''y-yes I will''

I walked out with carter following me.'' I know you only kissed me to make them even madder.''.

''how'd you know.'' . ''i could just tell''

"the night you were hight you told me I was hot and you wanted me so bad. did you know you said that''. I ask really wanting to know if he really meant it.

''um yeah I really think you are hot. I thought you wouldn't remember.''

he said looking down at the ground while blushing.

''uh. nobody has ever called me 'hot' before. so thank you''.

I walked up to him and kissed him it wasn't like before this time I felt somthing. we pulled away catching our breaths.

he leaned his head on mine and said.

''you know you need to be called that more offten.''

me and him was walking hand and hand in the park. I hated him. I wanted him dead. but I kissed him I'm holding hands with him. what's wrong with me. he's killed somone. runbeforeitstolate.

''um Carter have you killed somone before''. I asked.

''well maybe. I have bad anger.''..

killed. why. why did he kill that person did that boy or girl deserve it.

I was thinking and thinking till I saw Carter take off his shirt. and jump into a creek. good thing I am wearing my swim suit.

I took off my Shirt and shorts and jumped in with him.

as we was walking home I said somthing that I shouldn't have said..

"i-i don't think I can do this. yeah I like you being nice to me but I lost my two best friends because of you.''.

''yeah you know what I don't like you any ways.''. and with that he let go of my hand and into the house.

I was wrong to say what I said but its true. Austin and Dustin hate me now.

I went up stairs and saw Dustin sitting on my bed.

"hey Dustin.''.

''hi'' he sighed. ''what's wrong.''.

'' you've changed him. he came in and said he loved me and that he is sorry. right now he is talking with austin''.

I walked out of my room and saw Austin and carter in carters room

'' you know that i like the two of you. Dustin whispered.


~SexyStyles ~

Carter, The King Of Darkness (Austin Mahone Triplets)Where stories live. Discover now