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Me Carter and Ruben have gotten along well. me and Carter are i guess dating. not really dating just like you know girl and boy buddies. but i miss him even though im right beside him i want him to be mine again. i want to kiss him i want to touch him but i cant and it hurts to know that other girls get too..

''Frost can you come here'' Carter yelled..

i walked down stairs to See Austin Dustin and Alex in the door way

''GUYS!! i yelled 

i ingulfed them into a big hug and and let a few tears drop down to the floor of happyness..

i was thrilled to see them all. but i was more happy to see Dustin. Carter sent him a dirty text message about how he was a nerd and all but he sent it on my phone

''Dustin you ok''i asked

''dont talk to the Nerd'' he said really upsit

''i-i didnt do it Carter did .'' i said..

''really so you didnt call me a nerd'' he said smiling

''no you idot'' i said nuging his arm

 ''but you love me'' Dustin Said..

he didnt even ask why i was here. i didnt want to tell them anyway. but i would soon have to tell Them Austin Get spy like and finds out anyway so ill lie No Frost thats the worst thing you can do. you hate lying. 

Good Bye Frost

i heard somone yell from downstairs..i rn down there to see Dustin Alex And Austin was leaving again..

''w-why you guys leaving for'' i stuttered

''we have to move closer to the studio but Carter gets this house. and why are you here'' 

i look back at carter and he gulped his adams apple moved up and down..

''i um wanted to come here i missed this place'' i said lying.

'' and i missed Carter'' i said kinda telling the truth about that one

''well bye guys'' Dustin Said and with that they closed the door.

i turn around to see Carter pissed for some un none reason..

''fudge you Frost'' he said and stormed over to me

he rasied his hand and slaped me. i yelp and went to the floor Ruben stood up in his chair and ran over to Carter to calm him down but it didnt work he pushed him off and he hit is head on the coffee table. he turned to me and slaped me again but with alot of force

''did you see Austin Wink at you. or was you too in your own little world to even care'' he spat

''why do you care uh we're not even dating so stop treating me like your Babe. all i am for you is sex and to get high with'' i said and pushed him 

he turned back around and picked up Ruben and walked back over to me. and said

''you know you want to act like a freakin slut ill treat you like one.'' he said he ripped my shirt off my body while i was screaming he slaped me once more and threw me over his shoulder..

he brung me to his room took my bra off and hand cuffed me to the bed

''p-p-please c-carter i-im s-sorry'' i said between sobs

i could bearly see anything threw my eyes cause all the tears. i saw him strugling with his belt once he got both his boxers and jeans off he took my shorts and underwear off. he walked over to the drawer and got somthing probly somthing to please himself and hurt me. the next morning i was sore i was still handcuffed to the bed so i couldnt move i couldnt do anything.

when i was deep in my thoughts i heard heavy foot steps coming up the stairs thats when i started Shaking but stoped when i saw Carter Red eyed hes High. when he gets high hes happy and joyful. he crookedly walked over to the bed and uncuffed me Thats when i rubed my thighs and my Eyes. he turned on his heels and left me there why am i so freakin stupid i really thought i would be loved by a bad boy. i started crying but then a thought hit me crying is not going to get me anywhere. so i stood up grabed Carters big t-Shirt and walked down stairs and saw no one i just heard Smacking i walk into the living room to see Carter Naked and ontop of nother girl. i just slowly backed out of the room and leaned against the Wall and silently cried. the tears wasnt stoping and i didnt care. why did i care about Carter so much i should hate him he kidnap'd me and Rap*d me. i should hate him but i dont why..


Carter, The King Of Darkness (Austin Mahone Triplets)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن