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Dani's pov

me and carter was heading out to the store to get somthing i couldnt really remember what is was but i went anyway. but Frost and ruben stayed. they'ev been closer alot lately and i guess it didnt worry me too much so i just shruged it off and followed Carter around the store till we came to a stop

"Yahh there it is'' Carter said picking up a bottle of shampoo

"we went to the store to get shampoo'' i said

''um yeah Frost wanted me to get some for her since she ran out. well lets go find some food and we'll be off back home and everything''

Carter picked out a mango smelling shampoo and we started walking to the other end of the store to get the food Carter wanted. i was watching from the back as Carter picked up a packet of Black licorice

"eww you know frost wont kiss you after you eat that you know she hates it right.'' i said

"yeah i know i do it to make her mad. well lets get going shall we'' Carter said and walked off

once we was checking out i saw a lighter that had a human skull on it and thought of Ruben. so i picked it up and payed for it. we left the store and Carter pulled some skittles out of his pocket

''did you even pay for those'' i said

''Nope they make everthing to high for me to get so i just got somthing for free'' 

i shruged and looked out the window. everything started looking the same we was back in our neighbor hood again. everthing here was high in money but the house they was staying in suited them. once we steped out of the Car somthing didnt feel right but i ouldnt put my finger on it so i just walked in to See somthing i never wanted to see Ruben and Frost Kissing

"what are you two doing. Ruben i trusted you and you do this'' i yelled at ruben making him jump off Frost

''what did you.. Carter trailed off as he walked in

''you son of a Gun'' Carter yelled.

he threw a punch and hit Ruben straight in the cheak Cuss screams was made but Ruben lost. Carter then turned to Frost

Frost's pov

He beat up Ruben. he then tuned to me with Hate in his eyes ive never ever seen him this mad before it scared me i was backing away till i hit the wall. he raised his hand and smacked me muitlypull times Dani was trying to pull him off but nothing could get him off i was crying in pain till he stoped hiting me and walked up the stairs. i pulled my knees up to my face and cried.

''why Frost why did you do this you know ruben had a girlfriend.'' Dani said upset

''i-i dont know i was just watching tv and he kissed me'' i said still crying

she walked over to Ruben and threw the necklace he gave her off and onto the floor\

''we are done ok'' she said and walked over to the door and left i just cried even more i lost my boyfriend and my bestfriend.

the next day i woke up on the floor were i was crying last night Ruben was still on the floor glasses was broken i carfully made my way to the bathrom and looked at the damage i had bruises all over and scrashes i started crying again. i heard the front door open and close i started shaking till i heard Dani's voice i opened the door and went down stairsvand huged her

''you came back'' i said

''yeah yeah get off''' she said in a harsh tone.

she walked to Carter room and yelled

''you mother peice of. get out of bed you poo head'' she yelled a few mumbles from Carter and he was downstairs

''hello Slut who sleeps with their bestfriend'' Carter said making sure his shoulder bumped me before he sitted down 

i didnt cry anymore im tired of crying. i bent over to get Ruben up but he just rolled over to i put a plait infrost of his face. it was full of water. he rolled over on top of it and started to not beable to breath thats when he got up with a angry look on his face he sat down and ate 

''hey Dani give me the salt please'' Carter said

''no you have legs get it yourself Fatbutt'' she said harshly

''the Heck is wrong with you'' Carter said 

he got up and push me a little.

''hey im sorry i tired of all your Poop please just leave me alone. you know i dont like you at all'' i said in a really harsh tone

''what ever'' he said

''fudge you'' i mumbled

dani nuged me in the shoulder and smiled at me. after we ate me and dani didnt even bother to put the dishes away we just left them

''you girls not going to put the effing dishes in the dishwasher'' Carter yelled

''nope do we look like slaves to you nope i dont think so so eff off'' i said throwing the finger

Dani just laughed and ploped herself sown on the couch. i joined her. a couple of seconds later Austin and Alex showed up.

''whos the dorks over here" Dani said

witch made me laugh at her. i didnt care how rude we was being i wanted to not care anymore and Dani knew how i wanted to be

''hey who are you'' Alex said

''who does she look like she lookes like she dont give a eff so shut up'' i said laughing right along with Dani

''god frost you mean. what happend to you'' Austin said

''i dont give a flying noodle what happend to me. i got better'' i said harshly 

he just looked at me in disscause

dani Looked over at Alex and fliped him off. Thats when Carter walked into the room and took them to the kichen. Ruben walked in and sitted on the floor

''im Sorry Dani can we at least be friends'' Ruben said

''yeah i dont see why not'' Dani said smiling

about a hour later Alex and Austin left now its just Us. 

"hey Frost. would you like to have this'' Carter said handing me a earring i felt on my ears and one eas missing.

''yes thank you so much'' i said puting it back in

he floped beside me and we watched a movie and ate popcorn. all as friends

the next day i woke up in my room but it was like 2.00 in the morning it was dark outside and i wasnt alone the window was open that when Dani's face poped threw it

''hey i want to leave all the effers behind'' Dani said

''ok let me get some clothes and ill go with you'' i said i got up got a backpack and we left

Carter's pov

''where are they'' i yelled. 

''they left frost's clothes is gone. we have too look for them..

''yeah lets go'

Just where could they be and where was they going...

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