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School has been the worst thing ever Carter and the slut of the school are dating everyone bows down to them but me I don't care he's the one that ruined our realachion ship not me. Tiffany ugh even her name sounds mean.

Carter acts like a dick hole around me he moved back in with Austin and Dustin and of course me

I just ignore his exsistance like he's not even there even thought he very well is.

me and Austin are going strong. I'm oficlely his he likes to show me off in front of The boys even Zach he don't really hang around Carter much

But Ruben on the other hand is Carter's bestest friend they do everything togther even girls. yeah girls one goes then the other 

its never ending they both bully me its geting on my nervs. but Austin on the other hand is leaving for about 6 monthes to go on tour so ill be all alone well maybe ill go with Zach im not staying here with those two..

Ruben's pov..

hi my name is ruben constancio thats right im Alex's Half brother i look almost like him but im better and not a geek. Carter told me about him and Frost. me and Carter was in the living room while they was in the kichen talking about things till i heard im Sorry i promise ill be back before your birthday..i walk in there to see Frost crying and Austin Kissing the back of her head then down to her lips

''What do you want'' she spat

''i wanted to see what was going on is it so bad'' i said back

Frost's pov

Hes leaving for a half of a year. he'll miss my birthday everything. Zach wont keep me for that long witch means im stuck with the two jerks. just great

''good bye love you'' Austin slowly said you could tell it hurt him so much to say that

i looked up and he was gone i ran out yelling his name he turned round and i slamed my lips to his while it was raining that was my dream kiss

''dont forget me. i love you'' i said tears briming to my eyes

''ill never forget you love you babe'' and with that he waved bye to me and left there Red bus dissapiring to the dark

i sliped my hand to my now soaked pockets and went inside Ruben and Carter was siting on the couch drinking and probly high. i ran up stairs to take a shower i grabed a towl and some clothes and started the water and hoped in. when i got out Carter and Ruben wasnt in the living room anymore. i slowly turned the corner and felt hands on my waist and somones breath on my neck

''C-carter dont we both are in a relationship'' i shoked out

''they dont have to know do they. what they dont know wont kill them Right'' he murmed 

he was still kissing my neck Trying to make me moan but i couldnt or he wouldnt stop. seems my moans turn him on and when he gets turned on there will i mean there will be no stoping him

''Ruben help get you friend off me'' i yelled

he peeked his head around the corner came over to Carter and whisperd somthing to him. he losend his grip on my waist and walked down stairs giving me a wink on the way.

''how'd you get him to stop that easly'' i asked

''i know my ways. by the way your gonna have to put makeup on your neck'' Ruben said

i tuned on my heels and ran to the bathroom to look at myself and he was right ill hve to cover this up cause Zach will be here tomorrow to check on me i walked downstairs to see her here and Ruben being uncrofable siting there. i grabed his hand and whisperd into his ear.

Carter, The King Of Darkness (Austin Mahone Triplets)Where stories live. Discover now