Chapter 11

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"what do you think your doing'' I yelled at Carter.

''i-i can exsplane'' he said

''no we're done you keep breaking your promises I'm done''

I walked out of Carters house and ran I can't believe he slept with somone eles

I kep runing and runing till my feet wouldn't go no more but I looked up and saw it brung me to Austin and Dustin's house.

Me and Carter moved out and got our own house but now I don't want to.

I ran in snd went to Austin's room

I knocked on the door and he let me in but after he saw me crying he pulled me into a hug

''what happend'' he said while rubing my back..

''h-he ch-cheated a-again.'' I shoked out.

he picked me up bridal style and took me to his bed

I was on his lap crying telling him how much he was right about Carter and all.

''i am so so stupid how can I be so d- I didn't finish cause Austin slamed his lips to mine

our lips moved insync he licked my bottom lip beging for intrince I open my mouth slightly and our toangs battled for dommince he won of course

I pushed him down on his bed so that was I was on top. I tugged at his shirt and he took it off for me

it was a battle to see who could get each others clothes off the fastest and Austin won it

I was underneth him. him kissing my jawline trying to find my sweet spot

I took off his pants and threw them into the floor.

he got up went to his clothes and got a condom

he ripped it open with his teeth and ijusted himself.

''you ready. if not I don't want to do this''

''im ready''

the next morning I woke up to Austin still shirtless holding me tight as if I was leaving but I don't have no where to be

I tried to get out of his strong grip but quit cause he was strong

I was thinking about what Carter was doing

but quickly shook the thought out of my head. I was about to cry till I felt a pair of lips on the back of my head

''morning babe.'' Austin whisperd

his morning voice was so hot it made me want to melt

''morning to you too.'' I kissed his lips and got out of bed I walked down stairs to see a very angry Carter.

''you slept with Austin. really you slut I cheat on you once and you go sleeping with my brother'' Carter yelled

''it wasn't once it was three times and yes I slept with him things went to fast aleast he cares unlike you all you do is get high and smoke that's it oh wait have sex with girls your good at that'' I yelled back.

he raised his hand and smacked me right acrossed the face so hard my whole head turned to the right

Austin walked over to Carter and kicked him right where it hurts.

I was holding my face and crying

''get out of my house now you peice of Crap you hurt her to many times you know Mema or do you even care to rememeber her. she told you to never hurt a girl or break her heart guess what you broke way to many girls heart

get out now'' Austin yelled

he pushed him out closed the door and locked it

he walked back to me and kissed the red spot he wiped my tears and helped me up.

''know I can be as mean as I can be I was only acting nice for everyone cause the dick hole that was after you was watching me. I was his pupit I did what he wanted I always did what he asked for and I had you biggest mistake I ever made was you.'' Carter said and walked out the back door

that made me cry even harder

if he always felt that way I was his puppit he played me and it hurt.

'' we've got to go to school go get dressed'' Austin whisperd in my ear sending shills threw my body he then started kissing on my neck.''

I ran up stairs got dressed and ran back down to Austin that wasn't dressed yet

''im not going I'm home schooled I am so so sorry I won't be there everyday'' Austin said looking down.

''ill be ok you'll call or text me right'' I Asked

''well yah I'll text you see you in a little bit. don't let Carter get to you k'' Austin Said giving me a kiss on the lips then slowly going down to the bottom of my ear he knows that drives me crazy

I draged my hand along his back till I met with his hair I started tugging at the ends witch made him moan. I don't know what it is about the Mahone Boys but when a person pulls the ends of their hair they moan

''bye'' Austin whisperd

I walked out and went to school witch was a lot bigger then San Antonio's but I'm sure I'll find my way around

I went in got my paper and walked out I found my locker witch was another locker that was pink. this is gonna be a long year.

just when I think it couldn't get worse a girl walked right up to me and slaped their hand on top of my books making each of them fall

''cluts. watch where your going next time'' the blond said.

''or what your pen stright hair will poke me in the eye'' I said

the bell rang and off to my first class math I'm going to have to get math leasons from Dustin.

I wasn't paying much attenion to anyone I was mostly wondering what Austin was doing but then Carter popped right back into my brain its like he's haunting me I can't get him out of my head.

after math and sience was lunch then we get the rest of the day off

I walked to Lunch biggest mistake I've ever made she and Carter was there eating each others faces off I just walked out and went to sit in the halls

I made it to my locker and slowly skooted down it  when I made it to the floor I broke after lunch right well I'm going home early..

Carter, The King Of Darkness (Austin Mahone Triplets)Where stories live. Discover now